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Bid Opportunities from May, 2010

From DCN: must be a fairly small area to start...
Mississauga, Peel Reg ON CONTEMPLATED
Lakeshore Rd E & Hydro Rd, former Lakeview Power Gen Station, L5E
$15,000,000 est
Note: Preliminary Design is expected to start this Summer 2010 at the Consultant. Detail design, tender and Construction Schedules have not yet been determined. Further update Fall 2010.
Project: proposed construction of a mixed-use development on the former Lakeview Power Generating Station and adjacent business employment lands for a multi-use sustainable waterfront community.
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services
Owner Complete information is available to subscribers. Click HERE to find out how to subscribe.
Consultant Complete information is available to subscribers. Click HERE to find out how to subscribe.
First report Mon May 10, 2010.
This report Thu Jul 22, 2010.
Joseph Chin | Oct 07, 2010 - 2:01 PM

City seeks vision for Lakeview

The City of Mississauga has an incredible opportunity to transform Lakeview into one of the world’s great waterfront destinations, says an expert who's played a key role in reshaping shorelines in New York, London and Toronto.
“It’s a remarkable blank slate and all kinds of things can happen,” Joe Berridge, a partner at Urban Strategies Inc., told nearly 200 residents last night at a meeting kicking off a process to develop a visionary plan for the area.
Urban Strategies has been retained by the City to work with the community and deliver a report to Council by early next year.
Berridge urged residents, over the next few months, to share their ideas.
“What we need to do is let our creative juices flow and see what we can make happen,” he said, noting the potential is unlimited for the 200 areas surrounding the old Lakeview Generating Station lands.
“We’re on the west end of Lake Ontario on a massive piece of water. We’re right in the middle of a rapidly-growing urban region. We’re going from eight million to 11-and-a-half million people over the next 25 years. That means every piece of waterfront resource is really, really precious now. Think how much precious it is when you add another three million people.”
Berridge fired up the crowd by showing what cities such as Oslo (with its Opera House), Singapore (National Theatre), London (Eye ferris wheel), Chicago (Millennium Park) and Bilbao, Spain (Frank Gehry-designed Guggenheim Museum) have accomplished with their urban regeneration projects.
“Bilbao is about the same size as Mississauga. That town transformed its whole image internationally by this initiative,” Berridge noted.
“Let’s think big,” he challenged the audience, which included top city officials, MP Charles Sousa, Mayor Hazel McCallion and Ward 1 Councillor Carmen Corbasson.
McCallion echoed Berridge’s sentiments.
“This is an opportunity for the City of Mississauga to do something quite different from what we’ve done before, an opportunity second to none,” she said.
Sousa said he’ll do his part at Queen’s Park to ensure Lakeview becomes “the gem of Ontario’s waterfront properties.”
He reminded the crowd, to loud applause, that two years ago then Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure George Smitherman ruled out the old Lakeview Generating Station lands as a potential home for a new gas-fired power plant.
“I’m here to work towards making your vision a reality. But let’s be honest, there are a few naysayers out there, and it will take a long process. However, you have my commitment and support to drive this through to the end,” said Sousa.
McCallion said the City will need Sousa’s help smoothing things out with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).
“Your job will be to make sure the OMB is behind it because no matter what the citizens say, no matter what staff says, and no matter what Council says, the OMB has the final decision – and that’s an arm of the province of Ontario,” she said.
Further public engagement sessions and workshops are scheduled for Dec. 2, 3 and 4. They'll be held at the Mississauga Seniors’ Centre, 1389 Cawthra Rd.
This can turn out to be something spectacular if done right, a lot of potential...


Charlene Close and 680News staff Dec 01, 2010 12:24:07 PM

Ontario signs on with Mississauga to redevelop old Lakeview site

MISSISSAUGA, Ont. - After more than forty years of being an eyesore and a polluter on Mississauga's waterfront, the old Lakeview Generating Station site is on the verge of something big.

The province has reached an agreement with the city to ensure the 160-acre property is turned into something that benefits the community.

The plant shut down five years ago and was demolished three years ago, and now the community is ready to reclaim the land.

Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion said there's incredible potential.

"This is the last piece of Mississauga," Mayor McCallion said. "We have an opportunity here second to none to do something very different."

Locals would like to see cafes, recreational trails and maybe some waterfront condos.

"To do whatever is necessary to make a community fit together that's walkable," Jim Judge, president of the Lakeview Ratepayers Association, said. He added that the land will finally be put to good use.

Mississauga-South MPP Charles Sousa said it won't be a free for all.

"I think what we put here has to make economic sense, and has to have value," he said.

The city will be working with the province and Ontario Power Generation on the redevelopment, to make sure it not only improves quality of life in Mississauga but also makes some money.
A really big aquarium here would be so awesome. If not that, then something to bring people from Toronto and around the Greater Are. Something to bring tourists. There's room for that and even more. No single family homes or townhomes though.
A really big aquarium here would be so awesome. If not that, then something to bring people from Toronto and around the Greater Are. Something to bring tourists. There's room for that and even more. No single family homes or townhomes though.

There's nothing wrong with townhomes. Have you seen the FRAM ones in Port Credit? They're really well done.
Charlene Close and 680News staff Dec 01, 2010 12:24:07 PM

Ontario signs on with Mississauga to redevelop old Lakeview site

MISSISSAUGA, Ont. - After more than forty years of being an eyesore and a polluter on Mississauga's waterfront, the old Lakeview Generating Station site is on the verge of something big.

The province has reached an agreement with the city to ensure the 160-acre property is turned into something that benefits the community.

The plant shut down five years ago and was demolished three years ago, and now the community is ready to reclaim the land.

Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion said there's incredible potential.

"This is the last piece of Mississauga," Mayor McCallion said. "We have an opportunity here second to none to do something very different."

Locals would like to see cafes, recreational trails and maybe some waterfront condos.

"To do whatever is necessary to make a community fit together that's walkable," Jim Judge, president of the Lakeview Ratepayers Association, said. He added that the land will finally be put to good use.

Mississauga-South MPP Charles Sousa said it won't be a free for all.

"I think what we put here has to make economic sense, and has to have value," he said.

The city will be working with the province and Ontario Power Generation on the redevelopment, to make sure it not only improves quality of life in Mississauga but also makes some money.

Is this what they call thinking BIG in Mississauga? (a cafe, some nature trails and townhouses?)
What about.....

“We’re on the west end of Lake Ontario on a massive piece of water. We’re right in the middle of a rapidly-growing urban region. We’re going from eight million to 11-and-a-half million people over the next 25 years. That means every piece of waterfront resource is really, really precious now. Think how much precious it is when you add another three million people.”
Berridge fired up the crowd by showing what cities such as Oslo (with its Opera House), Singapore (National Theatre), London (Eye ferris wheel), Chicago (Millennium Park) and Bilbao, Spain (Frank Gehry-designed Guggenheim Museum) have accomplished with their urban regeneration projects.

I remember hearing politicians claim that the Etobicoke waterfront would be a huge tourist attraction, with an aquarium, pleasure pier and top rated attractions. Look what they got, a few condos and some of those nature trails and not a tourist for miles. (nor a store, restaurant or cafe worth visiting) I guess this was just more of that same bull-shit. We'll end up with just what Ontario needs, more suburban condos and a park, with a world class nature trail.
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I'm not in love the idea of having great attractions everywhere ... every community what's to build 'major' tourist attractions on whatever parcel of land they have. That's not the way to go ... we'll end up with scattered things throughout the GTA - I'd rather concentrate on specific locals ... I'm not saying downtown Toronto for everything - it could be MCC or the like.

So having said there's nothing wrong with a condo development(s) here - it should be dense / it should include employment / retail ... and that would be ideal in it self
I remember hearing politicians claim that the Etobicoke waterfront would be a huge tourist attraction, with an aquarium, pleasure pier and top rated attractions. Look what they got, a few condos and some of those nature trails and not a tourist for miles. (nor a store, restaurant or cafe worth visiting) I guess this was just more of that same bull-shit. We'll end up with just what Ontario needs, more suburban condos and a park, with a world class nature trail.

Keep in mind that the Etobicoke waterfront is still far from being finished.

Mississauga, Peel Reg ON CONTEMPLATED
Lakeshore Rd E & Hyrdo Rd, former Lakeview Power Gen Station, L5E
$15,000,000 est
Note: Preliminary Design is underway. Master planning is anticipated to begin in 2011. Detailed Design, Tender, and Construction schedules have not been determined at this time. Further update Spring 2011.
Project: proposed construction of a mixed-use development on the former Lakeview Power Generating Station and adjacent business employment lands for a multi-use sustainable waterfront community.
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services
Owner Complete information is available to subscribers. Click HERE to find out how to subscribe.
Consultant Complete information is available to subscribers. Click HERE to find out how to subscribe.
First report Mon May 10, 2010. Last report Thu Jul 22, 2010.
This report Thu Jan 13, 2011.
How about Montreal-style density here---ie 4-6s walkups with retail on the corners etc? A friend lives in this area and it would be a shame to ruin it with generic highrises and big box retail.

Being from Montreal, I think that will be great! :)

Going forward, from what I've read, I doubt anything above 6s will ever be built south of Lakeshore. The mayor, a few months back during the election, even said that she opposes anything greater than 6s. Big box stores are out-of-question.

Join us for a presentation of the Visionary Concept Plan and next steps for Inspiration Lakeview.
February 17th at Mississauga Seniors' Centre
click here to RSVP


Registration: 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Presentation: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Location: Mississauga Seniors' Centre, 1389 Cawthra Road, Mississauga (beside the Cawthra Community Centre)

click here to RSVP online

Come see the vision that has been built with the community. This is the result of the collaborative ideas generated at the December Lakeview Sessions.

Check out the new videos, photos and stories from the December visioning sessions and more....


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