I thought it's going to new building from ground up, why would it be listed as a 'redevelopment of an existing munitions factory from WWII'? That would be existing Liberty Market building north of the site.
It's a new building on the property of the WW2 munitions factory
Proj: 9094440-3
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON
Liberty Market Lofts, 171 East Liberty St, King St W, Strachan Ave, M6K 3P6
$38,500,000 est

Start: April, 2010

Complete: August, 2011

Note: Sales and marketing are underway. Schedules for completion of Working drawings, Sub trade tender and construction will be determined based on sales and the Owner's decision to proceed. Further update February, 2010.

Project: concrete foundation, structural steel frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed redevelopment of an existing munitions factory from WWII for the construction of a live-work loft building with 290 units ranging from 50 t0 109 sq meters. Building features will include a yoga studio; fitness studio; indoor basketball court; meeting rooms; an art gallery; commercial office and retail spaces.

Scope: 353,000 square feet; 7 storeys (x2 level lofts); 2 storeys below grade; 290 units; 5 acres

Development: Addition/alterations

Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services; Commercial offices; Parking bldgs

First report Thu Jan 15, 2009. Last report Mon Jun 08, 2009.
This report Mon Sep 21, 2009.


This sounds pretty ominous...
South super board demo

Dropped by the site over the weekend and found the super board located on the south east corner of the lot gone. Debris and a couple of heavy machinery still on site. Looking forward to the digging this spring, hopefully.
Scaled Model

Southwest / Southeast / Northeast Elevations - LML's design surely is one sided, only decent from the southwest
Click to Enlarge
This one has flown under the radar here. Time to affix our gaze.

All images courtesy of Lifetime Developments

The building


The lobby


The art gallery


The lounge


The meeting room


But how does the meeting room look now? It, and the rest of the building, looks like this:





The crane is up, and we'll be back!
The obsession with grey never seems to end in this city but this building is uber grey. It's in Liberty Village, so why not keep it all red brick? It's the red, historic buildings that make Liberty Village attractive. The new condos on the east side just bring the whole neighbourhood down. The sad part is, it could have been a unique and beautiful part of Toronto. Developers are turning it into just another dull, grey, ordinary neighbourhood. Thank god the historic factories are staying or else the developers would put up grey, spandrel monstrosities and walk away smiling. The whole east side of Liberty Village is a complete write-off.
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The obsession with grey never seems to end in this city but this building is uber grey. It's in Liberty Village, so why not keep it all red brick? It's the red, historic buildings that make Liberty Village attractive. The new condos on the east side just bring the whole neighbourhood down. The sad part is, it could have been a unique and beautiful part of Toronto. Developers are turning it into just another dull, grey, ordinary neighbourhood. Thank god the historic factories are staying or else the developers would put up grey, spandrel monstrosities and walk away smiling. The whole east side of Liberty Village is a complete write-off.


LV is yet another missed opportunity IMO.
The cop shop moved in roughly five years ago at a cost of millions to convert the defunct telecom hotel. It's fairly evident that it won't be moving anytime soon.
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