Oct 03



Nice to see more office space coming to Liberty Village:cool:

WeWork to continue expanding Toronto footprint with two new locations

The second location set to open will be located in the heart of vibrant Liberty Village, in the new Liberty Market Tower, a brand new 28-storey, 283-unit residential tower together with 18,400-sq-ft of retail space and 138,700-sq-ft of office space.

This will mark WeWork’s seventh announced location in the city and will feature over 1000 desks across three floors, offering workers stunning views of one of Toronto’s most sought-after neighbourhoods.

At this location, workers can access the area by the King, Bathurst and Harbourfront streetcar routes, the Ossington Bus and the Go Transit Exhibition Stop.

“Since opening our first location in August 2017, we have continued to see unprecedented demand in Toronto,” said Bonneville.

“In response to this, we’re excited to broaden our reach to the west end of the city, our first in the area. Liberty Village has emerged as an innovation and creative hub for businesses in Toronto and our newest location, the brand new Liberty Market Tower, will be an amazing addition to our portfolio in the city.”
Does anyone know how or why the developer has been allowed to begin below-grade construction when they have not completed one of the city's key requirements, quoted below?

"Prior to the issuance of below-grade permits, the owner shall
submit a functional pavement marking and signing plan for a
dedicated westbound right-turn-lane at the East Liberty
Street/Pirandello Street and construct, or cause to be constructed, at
no cost to the City, this dedicated westbound right-turn-lane to the
satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;"

This comes from page 3 of this document: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2014/pg/bgrd/backgroundfile-70261.pdf
It's not construction - just "excavation for soil remediation".

that will need to be done in order to have their permit issued to actually start pouring concrete.

"cause to be constructed" means it doesn't necessarily need to be completed either - only proof that it will be.
Thank you innsertnamehere for your reply! I guess that they are behind schedule in this case. On another document from the city dated April 1, 2019, the schedule for this project was laid out as such:

"Major construction activities and timelines are described below:
- Excavation and Shoring, July 2018 to February 2019;
- Below-Grade Construction, February 2019 to September 2019;
- Above-Grade Construction, October 2019 to December 2021."

Quoted from Page 2 of this document: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2019/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-131807.pdf
