
further to iSlutsky's post #45 on page 3 ... here are higher-res renderings (with the 3rd image being a new view showing the southeast elevations):

Click to Enlarge

Here's the ground + second floor plan ... where the condo amenities will be located:
Looks like it has a coffin on the roof. Should appeal to all the vampire enthusiasts out there.
although that begs the question, how many people will see this building from a bird's eye view, thereby revealing the coffin shaped roof??
Well, when vampires are flying around as bats they'll see it...

Scaled Model

Updated Community Model - Liberty Place related to other LV Building
Click to Enlarge

Northwest / West / South / Southeast Elevations - I'm liking the red brick accents here a lot
March 31 2010 update

Comparison of Today and the Future
Click to Enlarge
Wow--- ten times better than the other stuff in Liberty Village.

The red brick accents are great.
personally ... I like the look of Liberty Place more than NXT ... but NXT probably offer better views
And I think that NXT looks better, but you get a more interesting area on your doorstep at Liberty Place. Better parkland to the south, east and west of NXT though. It depends on what you want in a home.

from today's Daily Commercial News, so posted with the usual warning, nevertheless it looks like this one is getting close to construction start......

Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON PLANS COMPLETED
Liberty Place, 150 East Liberty St, M6K 3R5

$42,000,000 est

Start: March, 2011 Complete: September, 2012

Note: Owner is negotiating with a Const Mgr. An official award is anticipated early 2011. Sub trade pricing is under review at the Owner. Owner is seeking City Council building permit approvals for excavation of the underground parking structure to be shared with the Condominium building followed under report number 1310653. Excavation is anticipated late 2010/early 2011. All Sub trades will be awarded from an Invited list. Construction start is expected early Spring, 2011. Further update January, 2011.

Project: concrete foundation, structural steel frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of a 30-storey condominium apartment building with 421 units. Units will range in size from 390 to 1,381 sq ft. The project will include 2,700 sq ft of retail space at grade level.

Scope: 380,000 square feet; 30 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 421 units
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services
structural steel frame construction? that seems different than the previous buildings here, no?

I like how this building has a vaguely "flat iron" shape to it to follow the diverging streets here...
I haven't seen anything to indicate construction. Site is still fully used by the presentation center as a parking lot.
