Cool stuff...whilst taking the pictures below an old gent on a bike came up to me and said that he was concerned for planet because of the weight of all the new condos going up in Toronto...


..maybe a badger..
It's a groundhog and he's probably trying to figure out where the golf course went.
Cool stuff...whilst taking the pictures below an old gent on a bike came up to me and said that he was concerned for planet because of the weight of all the new condos going up in Toronto...

One thing we learned recently at the Cinema Tower construction site was that the weight of the earth and rock removed for the excavation was essentially the same as the weight of the concrete going into the building. I don't think we have to worry too much about the earth cracking open and swallowing our new towers!

The TCHC building next door is a couple levels above ground now it looks like.
Not sure if this should be in a seperate thread, but the city has scheduled two public meetings to present the proposed design for the new 15,000-sq.ft. Fort York/Bathurst Public Library on May 10 at the Blue Barracks in Fort York and May 19 at the Sanderson library.
May 25: Boy have they found a lot of stuff since I was there last. A lot of lead cast piping and other material there now. Not sure what the wood box trench was used for it not close enough both in the video or photo to say what it is.

One would hope that some of this area can be preserved as a history site, but Toronto doesn't look at history saving these days.

Someone should put up a sign telling people what been found as I got asked no lees than 6 times while I was there what was going on. People were either surprise or shock when I told them what it was. They were more surprised to find out how far south the existing shore line of Toronto had moved since the 1700's.

Enjoy the video of the site as it will be a day or 2 before I have the photos ready.

By the way, what was the out come of the public meetings??

