Limelight is a modern building that will interact with the street level quite well - quite an improvement over some of the other MCC buildings which provide no space for retail. MCC is a jumble of architecture overall! Right now, it's looking like a mess. However, I think in the future it will all fit together quite well. In my opinion, what Mississauga and the developers seem to be going for is the illusion that all the buildings and the entire downtown weren't built over the course of 20 years - some of the buildings like Chicago and One Park will look decidedly older over time.

I also don't understand why you think the limelight cladding is lime green - the first test panels were lime green but now they have a definite whitish colour to them with only lime green highlights. Overall, I think the building will look quite sharp in the end - as long as they don't decide on something completely hideous i.e. lime
TRUTH probably lives on the 10th floor of Chicago, facing east towards MCC.

If someone thought that view would remain unobstructed, it would have been very foolish. Buyers would have known that other buildings were going in and seriously, the whole MCC area is going to end up very dense.

That the buildings don't fit in with One Park or Chicago, I say good! You can only do the retro thing in bits here and there for variety. It would have been embarrassing if we had dozens of throwback towers clustered together like some Disneyfied NY wannabe neighborhood. Limelight does a much better job than either One Park or Chicago of meeting the street and will mix in well with other developments going forward.

The last thing we needed was more point towers. I think the green crowns are even too much, as I would like to see some more straight-forward, understated buildings fill in the area a little. Look at some of the nicer downtown condos and while they are stylized boxes of varying types, few of them feel the need to have tacky points, peaks or crowns on them. They should be the exception and not the rule.
from today




The south tower is top off with the Mechanical hat being built. The 2nd tower gain a few floor on the 1st one in the last 2 weeks.
