Too bad they're not using concrete frames, but it remains an interesting project in terms of architecture.
Taken today.



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"Fake brick"?? It's limestone, sir. I invite you to come and feel the weight of these stones. Fake brick would be tacky and a disservice to this project.
The limestone will begin wrapping across the Bayview facade, followed shortly by the zinc and cedar.
Nice pics....thanks for following our project!

Taken today. Not too much progress. The brick or rather fake brick is being put up. Still a lot of touches are missing from the exterior.

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"Fake brick"?? It's limestone, sir. I invite you to come and feel the weight of these stones. Fake brick would be tacky and a disservice to this project.
The limestone will begin wrapping across the Bayview facade, followed shortly by the zinc and cedar.
Nice pics....thanks for following our project!

My apologies. I have edited my post accordingly. I was not able to get close enough, as I did not want to bother the workers. I should have known better to assume. This is a quality project, so I am hoping that you did not take my comments to heart.
My apologies. I have edited my post accordingly. I was not able to get close enough, as I did not want to bother the workers. I should have known better to assume. This is a quality project, so I am hoping that you did not take my comments to heart.

That's very kind of you. Really appreciate your interest in the project and you're welcome to come closer for any pictures you would like to take,
as long as you're beyond the site fencing (safety first). I think the zinc cladding will be the sleeper hit of the exterior. The contrast with the limestone
is stunning. Hope you like it. Will post pics here when it's up.

Thanks much.
Since these have lots of windows and are being built on a pretty busy street what kind of windows are they using to reduce the sound
A lesson in how NOT to install Tyvek and Blueskin. Hopefully this is all temporary...leaks are guaranteed otherwise.

It's temporary to enable us to complete some interior work without major leaks. Will be installed properly before the rest of the cladding continues.
Every aspect of construction gets inspected by the site super, project manager, then Teeple prior to continuation.
Taken today. Looking forward to seeing the wood take shape on this one. Symmetry, any idea when we may see it up? You can see the wood (cedar?) on the right hand side of image #3, will it just be stained?




Hi cruzin4u,

The cedar on the north facade (right hand side of 3rd your pic) was too knotty for our liking and is being replaced by a clear cedar.
This is currently on site and is being oiled and stained. It is far more representative of the look we want.
A mock-up on the east face will likely be up towards the end of this week.
Equally exciting is the zinc cladding which will be going up next week.

Great pics! Thanks for your interest in the project.
It's a great project. I really wish that we'd see more natural stone cladding used on projects in the city, and with different tones. I like the smooth stone block look to this cladding, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the zinc cladding will fit in. It's quite exciting to see some quality townhouses going up in the city.
great townhomes!

I visited the website and looks like there is only one unit left.
I love this building, but way out of my price range. Any confirmation on prices of these units? I know I'm late to the party, just curious what that last unit (if still available) is going for.
At the very least maintenance fees should be kept low due to the fact it is freehold.
It's a great project. I really wish that we'd see more natural stone cladding used on projects in the city, and with different tones. I like the smooth stone block look to this cladding, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the zinc cladding will fit in. It's quite exciting to see some quality townhouses going up in the city.

Thanks for the kind words, junctionist. Limestone is an interesting material within Linea since you don't immediately associate it with modern architecture.
It has a real weight and permanence about it which I love. It also relates beautifully to the park across the street with its natural variation in tone.
The zinc should be going within a few days. The cedar is now up on the north facade and looks gorgeous.
I visited the website and looks like there is only one unit left.
I love this building, but way out of my price range. Any confirmation on prices of these units? I know I'm late to the party, just curious what that last unit (if still available) is going for.
At the very least maintenance fees should be kept low due to the fact it is freehold.

Asiancolossus: Glad you love the project!
I will DM you with the sales/pricing details since this is the construction section of the forum. Yes, the maintenance fees are very low due to the freehold
nature of these homes.
I wasn't too happy with the photos I took last time. Today I focused on the cedar and the back end of the development. The cedar really is beautiful and makes this development pop! Still can't wait for the additional touches.








