my only concern is that once the glazing goes up on Shangri-la-tee da there will be too much blue glass happening in the short stretch shown in UD's photo. Really wish that more of these landmark buildings would use some different colours and materials...

these days in toronto, its hard to find a new building that doesn't use blue or green glass, but the colour of the glass doesn't matter to me as much as the quality/type of glass :)
^ I agree. There was a time when Toronto was building beige concrete buildings like crazy. Now it's blue/green glass building.
my only concern is that once the glazing goes up on Shangri-la-tee da there will be too much blue glass happening in the short stretch shown in UD's photo. Really wish that more of these landmark buildings would use some different colours and materials...

Shangri-La must be, nay, will be sleek and silvery. They have depicted it in this light, and for such a prominent development to lie would be heresy. If it is blue/green I am going to get angry, and yell about it on the Internet.

Coruscanti, I think the closest to a unanimously praised colour choice is black. Sleek, black-glassed condos always seem to be winners.
my only concern is that once the glazing goes up on Shangri-la-tee da there will be too much blue glass happening in the short stretch shown in UD's photo. Really wish that more of these landmark buildings would use some different colours and materials...

Redroom, do you know that the glass is going to be blue? And if so, do you think it will be similar to that on the new 4 Seasons (which I think is actually quite striking). My impression was the glass would be clear or possibly a slight grey hue.
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Egotrippin: By clear or slight grey, I would include silver. That was my impression.

I will await with anticipation. Just not GREEN, please.
Shangri-la from today by me: (August 26, 2010)

Thanks for the photo, Steveve. In a few months the CN Tower won't be visible from this vantage point!
This will is a stunning project, and with the surrounding area being relatively low-rise, the building will really stand out, much like Aura will.
It's probably going to be similiar to other James Cheng projects (notably Shangri La in Vancouver) - probably not mirrored like WZMH's Sunlife.

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^IOWs, very conservative. Boring in fact. I loathe the way this building meets the street. This site calls for a Toronto-centric solution, not the timid podium, balcony and oddly shaped floor plate-style that dominates Vancouver's view cone policy.
Redroom, do you know that the glass is going to be blue? And if so, do you think it will be similar to that on the new 4 Seasons (which I think is actually quite striking). My impression was the glass would be clear or possibly a slight grey hue.

that was just my interpretation from the renderings and videos we have seen. I will be happy to be wrong about this assumption... anyone have a copy of a render handy?
