some pics from today......




the angles on the glass facade are awesome. add an amazing touch to the building. almost reminds me of the ROM crystal, sorta, and there are still plenty more to come. so far this is a win in my books and it's not even halfway done. unless they switch to green cladding halfway through, i think we can say the quality is definitely here.
Will there forever be a Ritz vs Shangri-la debate? to me, the only thing the Ritz has on this is unique tilted design (the slants). but i'm not saying that this is a boring design either. this isn't really a box since it's angled on both sides and is suppose to look a bit tilted with the glass and all...
couple more pics from the Simcoe St. side.....


They are working on floor 28 now.

As well, on the Ritz section they were talking about the restaurant and wondering who was coming to the SL in the way of chef's.
I answered there but will post it here.

Shangrila has landed David Chang, a New York celebrity chef written up in NY magazine in Jan 2011 as well as the NY times and Time magazine in dec 2010. The restaurant will be at the NE end of the complex (where the pools are) on levels 1, 2 and 3.
The main hotel restaurant will be at the SE corner and along University avenue.
funny how this thing is almost 30 stories, yet, it doesn't look that tall. i don't know what it is that makes this thing look so short. i think it could be the footprint that's just large.
No. Effin. Way.

David Chang? Seriously? That's a massive score. I'd had my fingers crossed for a Nobu, but I'll take a Momofuku anyday.

Hopefully they don't build up too much buzz about it, so that I'll actually be able to get the odd reservation here and there. Major pain in the ass to get in to some of his NYC locations.

I think the other hotels are dead to me now. This is the one I'm waiting for.
Yes, seriously. I heard it confirmed by Shangrila and they have even added it to their promotional materials for sales of the condos.

Incidently, I know I will take heat for this but I have also seen drawings for the hotel lobby. It will be somewhat plain compared to say Vancouver but incredibly elegant if the mock ups are accurate. Of course, there is that thing called "artisitic liberty" so we shall have to wait and see the final product. I must say that I am somewhat underwhelmed by the Ritz and I hope that doesn't happen here at the SL. I fear that Marriot having taken over the Ritz chain is bringing the Ritz to Marriott level rather than improving the Marriott to Ritz standards. Unfortunate. Again, just my view.
Shangrila has landed David Chang

That's awesome. Not that I really expect one to open at Shangri-La, but I'd love for Momofuku Milk Bar to come to Toronto. (Even better, I'd like a Toronto chef with a sweet tooth to buy some soft serve machines and go nuts.)
It looks like they're nearly ready to start putting glass on the podium, as the frames are now being put up.
