... and a steal, even at a minimum of $2 million. It may rank, alongside the purchase of our significant Kapoor for under a million ( when Chicago was paying over twenty times more for theirs ), as one of Toronto's canniest recent public art acquisitions.
... and a steal, even at a minimum of $2 million. It may rank, alongside the purchase of our significant Kapoor for under a million ( when Chicago was paying over twenty times more for theirs ), as one of Toronto's canniest recent public art acquisitions.

Kind of disingenuous to put our Kapoor...



...in the same league as their Kapoor.




I was at the unveiling today. The work of art is breathtaking. It sits in a reflecting pool of water. When up close, it is meaningful and powerful. The birds flying away. There are what is not shown birds at the top of the cube and to the Left of the cube.
After went to the AGO and saw the exhibit there.
I understand the artist was going to conduct a piece of music either written by or for him.

A true artist and Renaissance man.

This project just looks better and better and is really starting to excel now and come together.
... and a steal, even at a minimum of $2 million. It may rank, alongside the purchase of our significant Kapoor for under a million ( when Chicago was paying over twenty times more for theirs ), as one of Toronto's canniest recent public art acquisitions.

My understanding is that the "steal came in between $4 and $6 million. The developer was required to spend $2 million on public art but apparently far exceeded it.

It is definitely an interesting and beautiful piece of art. We are lucky to have it.
great pics, rdaner! I've been zooming in to see it up close.....looks like nothing we have ever seen before in TO....amazing....
Initial reaction:

1) Me: WTF is that ... I love it !
2) Wife: WTF is that, I'll never walk by it alone at night.
I was at the unveiling today. The work of art is breathtaking. It sits in a reflecting pool of water. When up close, it is meaningful and powerful. The birds flying away. There are what is not shown birds at the top of the cube and to the Left of the cube.
After went to the AGO and saw the exhibit there.
I understand the artist was going to conduct a piece of music either written by or for him.

A true artist and Renaissance man.

This project just looks better and better and is really starting to excel now and come together.

I was there, too. Will post photos tomorrow.

The music is the opera Semele, by Handel, which Zhang Huan is directing. He's set it in China.

Amazing photos everyone! everything is coming together nicely now. the fins at the top, the ground level sculpture/street level presence. it's awesome.

Here's a shot from today from afar.

Wow, what a fantastic contribution to the city. I love how it plays off the shapes of the building, and the textures (even from a photo) look very interesting. I do hope that it stands up to our weather tho
