Personally I really like the look of this building. Maybe it's just the overly optimistic renderings but it looks tall, it stands out and its shiny.

Oh it will stand out. I just actually thought about it, and at 704 feet, this thing is almost as tall as the B/A Centre. On the west side of University, it'll look huge.
yay, and such a beautiful structure..
Oct 7

Let's hope this keeps chugging along. The building that was to house the Shangri-la in Chicago is apparently on hold.
There's an even deeper hole just 2 blocks from this one. It's called the TSX. Just sayin'...
Let's hope this keeps chugging along. The building that was to house the Shangri-la in Chicago is apparently on hold.

And about 1/4 built --I think about 20 storeys above ground (was there in July); overseas financing problems; started before the current market meltdowns.
next door office building has a deep basement by the looks of it.
any news to report on this one? I can report that, driving by, the hoarding was lit up nicely tonight...:p
November 4 2008 update

yyzer ... ask and you shall receive haha ;) ... I think they've reach the bottom of excavation ~

Looking Southeast

Looking North
