From yesterday.

I agree that individually these glass buildings are beautiful, some more so than others. The issue to me, however, is context. When you put up a number of glass buildings together they tend to cancel each other out, no matter how stunning the individual architecture, ...

I agree completely - just drive past City Place and see if any of these buildings stand out. it’s like a wall of glass and aluminum - no individuality. In ten years people will look at this and wonder how the city could let this happen to such a key piece of real estate. (Anyone remember St. James Town)


Why doesnt anyone use a different exterior building material? Must everything be on the cheap?
Oh Goody.
Another tall oversized building made of glass in the City of Toronto.
How original of them.

Honestly, where is the good architecture these days? Are there any other materials they can use other than glass? I can't tell one new condo from another.

On a side note, that Boutique Condos height expansion should never have been permitted.

How is Shangri-La oversized?
And what should it be clad with?

That's it?? You are content with glass on every building? I'm disappointed - I would have thought a group as interested in buildings as this group is would have higher expectations of our architects and developers.
I wouldn't consider the buildings in St. Jamestown to be beautiful if standing alone...

And if not glass and steel, then stone or brick. (What is Scotia Tower made out of? exactly). Or why not get more creative with the glass and steel?

Look at the Royal Bank Plaza... stunning!

There are plenty of ways to make a building look good. My God, if we are all close minded to the "cut-and-paste" tactics of glass, steel, box, balcony, green... then we aren't going to progress anywhere, now are we?

Architecture is so closely linked to the arts... we are in need of some more artists, I think.
There is granite, precast concrete, cast stone, prestressed wall panels, Limestone, etc. Did you ever look at Scotia plaza or FCP? An even more interesting effect would be to combine a stone or precast exterior with glass.

Do you guys ever look at these buildings or just compare height? (perhaps you're compensating for something?)
