By the time they complete this condo/hotel in 2011, the economy (hopefully) has recovered at least partially. This is in a good location plus the brand name is well known so prices should hold up well if they do it right.
Walking by today I peered into the pit to discover that they are constructing the crane footing now. The hole is on the south-east side of the site. Crews are still hammering through the bedrock but it is already around ten feet deep.

Perhaps if all goes well we will have another crane next week!
Walking by today I peered into the pit to discover that they are constructing the crane footing now. The hole is on the south-east side of the site. Crews are still hammering through the bedrock but it is already around ten feet deep.

Perhaps if all goes well we will have another crane next week!

For some reason I had thought that the tower would be on the north west side of the site. I'm glad that it's not.
Walking by today I peered into the pit to discover that they are constructing the crane footing now. The hole is on the south-east side of the site. Crews are still hammering through the bedrock but it is already around ten feet deep.

Perhaps if all goes well we will have another crane next week!

Very good news, ProjectEnd!
By the time they complete this condo/hotel in 2011, the economy (hopefully) has recovered at least partially.

the economy will recover. it did so during after the recessions in the 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, et cetera. recessions are cyclical events that seems occur every decade or so.
The fundamentals in those recessions were not as undermined as they are in this one, like those in finance. So probably this recession will last longer and be deeper.
So...what do you guys long before this hits the street level with construction?
By the end of this year?

i remember somewhere in this tread said the excavation was going faster then the fourseasons. Excavtion will be completed next week this 8 level underground wont be finished until nov 09 any bets?
It's going to take a lot longer than a week to finish that excavation. Once they start removing the ramp they'll need to start flying the dirt out with the crane, which will be a much slower process than just loading dump trucks and driving them out.

Plus at the same time that crane will be trying to unload concrete, rebar, etc, so I could see it taking another month or so before the excavation is really finished.
