with floorplans and stuff ~ :)

Site Plan (with Victory condos to the immediate south)

I got scared there for a second...

one of my favourite clubs is on the SE corner of King & Brant...and for a split second I thought this was at King @ Brant...

The site has been idle now for more than two months with no activity. A condo friend was told that it was the fire department that shut the site down as they were not able to get their fire trucks beyond the construction site to service the surrounding condo buildings. Very strange, but it is Cresford at work, don't forget. If they cancel this project, who is going to buy the third version of Mode?
Yes, in order to construct the new building per drawing, Cresford has to shut down the Adelaide entrance, which is the only access for firetruck to the courtyard of Quad Lofts. Now they have to go back to the drawing board and perhaps to come back with a smaller building. Cresford tried to pull a fast one on this project, but the fire department shut them down even faster.
Yes, in order to construct the new building per drawing, Cresford has to shut down the Adelaide entrance, which is the only access for firetruck to the courtyard of Quad Lofts. Now they have to go back to the drawing board and perhaps to come back with a smaller building. Cresford tried to pull a fast one on this project, but the fire department shut them down even faster.

Will they (Cresford) give up already !?!?
Geez ...
I've been told by a contact at Cresford that construction is set to resume around Feb. 15. Let's see what happens in 1 month...Could be to resolve this supposed fire/access issue.

My contact said that they are absolutely going ahead with this project this time. Aiming for sales to kick off in March.
I've been told by a contact at Cresford that construction is set to resume around Feb. 15. Let's see what happens in 1 month...Could be to resolve this supposed fire/access issue.

My contact said that they are absolutely going ahead with this project this time. Aiming for sales to kick off in March.

Hey Andrew, do you know or can you confirm from your contact what % of units sold?

Only a handful of units have been sold from what I am told (just to insiders-friends and family types).

They are not 'selling' right now, but units can be bought (if that makes sense). I can't post info here, but if you want more info feel free to PM me.
Since the project hasn't really started sales, I guess they could make the building less wide and sacrifice 10-15ft on the west side where they built over the drive-thru portico.
I'm confused ... why is it under construction if they haven't started sales or if there are barley any? Missing something?
^Spec build: Cresford is so conservative they've reached the conclusion that Adelaide and Spadina is hipster central, so they're cashing in on young professionals looking for a new home, the type of conservative buyers that buy into the "if we build it you will buy it" crap. (Like that place near the Grange.)
