Definitely at street level now.



OMG, that literally must have taken overe a year to get to this level. I remember running by there last summer when they had already commenced digging and now they're only at street level??
They should tear down The Old Spaghetti Factory while they're at it. That place is a dump.

It's far from a dump. It does feel like it belongs in the suburbs. They charge a lot less for freshly made spaghetti then most restaurants in town do for their crap you can get off a supermarket shelf. Sure it's not the best, but it's hard to find a reasonable meal that's not fast food in the city, so I welcome it.
That hole went down 6 stories!! That took a LONG time to dig.
..and then they started to pour concrete.
Certainly a lot deeper than the average building downtown.
Now that it's at ground level I think you you will see things changing fast.
I'm sorry I haven't called more often Granny, but now that you've figured out the interweb, we should find communication easier.

Hugs, Gran!

I've got to bring up Murano again, it was a pit by mid-summer of 2006. I don't know which has been slower but London & Murano are both running neck & neck.
I think there's a Chuck-E-Cheese out there somewhere.

Yes there is, and I get a perverse urge to break into screaming laughter while passing it on the 401. Don't know why.

(Long moment of silence)

Back to London; while slow, it is really no slower than the other slow-moving projects around. Murano was super slow to get out of the ground. Vu was slow to start. Only City Place is on steriods - and it had its slow period a while back, too.
