Back to London; while slow, it is really no slower than the other slow-moving projects around. Murano was super slow to get out of the ground. Vu was slow to start. Only City Place is on steriods - and it had its slow period a while back, too.

Pinnacle is also the little project that could... turn into a big one quickly, and 9T6 was up and out of the ground before anyone knew what it was. CityPlace isn't the only showoff out there.

Rezen (Adelaide and Frederick) seems to be another quick starter, although a lot smaller in scale.

They are on the top set back portion of the building and started the brick cladding on the base.

They started digging even before they reached normal sales targets.
I sure hope these turn out better than they do in the renderings (I know, unlikely), because they don't look that great (especially the shorter tower).
I took these yesterday afternoon.




People complain about other developments being slow, this one has to be among the slowest. When other buildings in the area like Telus seem to be flying along. Telus btw is just about street level.
I think it started construction in late fall 2005,I remember going to the Novotel across the street in march 06 and the site was a big pit.
Yes, this and Murano have been very slow projects.
If there wasn't anything going slow, then how would we know what fast is?

So, Slow is bad? It all depends on your point of view I guess.
Slow is good!
I'm going to be a future owner in this thing. Two and a half years ago I put some deposits down and now I get to to see my initial investment probably tripled or more more before I have to ante up the balance. I'm told that will be about another year! (More than likely a year and a half)
Heres hoping for a couple of good long protracted Trades strikes.

..Love the new pictures! Tip: Go over to the Sony Centre and up the steps there. Some great photo ops from that angle. Get a last picture or two of the 35 year old" Old Spaghetti Factory "Mural before its gone from view forever.
Tripled your investment? How does that happen?
So, Slow is bad? It all depends on your point of view I guess.
Slow is good!
I'm going to be a future owner in this thing. Two and a half years ago I put some deposits down and now I get to to see my initial investment probably tripled or more more before I have to ante up the balance.


Knowing that my 25% deposit has doubled already is pretty sweet. Not bad for doing nothing. I'm fine to wait for CASA too, Granny.
