No i have never heard of 'Toronto Waterfront'... unless your specifying the 46 kilometre span between the mouth of Etobicoke Creek in the west, and the Rouge River in the east. Yeah its a nice bike ride.:)
But i have heard of Waterfront Toronto....Buddy stop behaving like a chessy and EARN your grades child !

You let me know if it states anywhere in the so called waterfront planning documents that a stadium can not be built into the mix.

The Ford's proposal was to put a football stadium and a bunch of american big box stores like Nordstrom (?!) on the site of the demolished Hearn station. That land directly in front of the Hearn station is Lake Ontario Park. The rest of the adjoining lands are part of a cohesive and carefully planned vision for the waterfront that includes intensive fine-grained urbanism, extensive parks networks, and the largest wetlands reconstruction ever undertaken in an urban area. The Hearn Station, though presently in private hands, has been earmarked as an iconic element, much like London's Tate Gallery, that is part of the overall vision for the waterfront.

Contrary to your views, the Portlands is not a cheesy wasteland upon which you can dump a bunch of big-box stores and suburban stadiums surrounded by parking lots.
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The Ford's proposal was to put a football stadium and a bunch of american big box stores like Nordstrom (?!) on the site of the demolished Hearn station. That land directly in front of the Hearn station is Lake Ontario Park. The rest of the adjoining lands are part of a cohesive and carefully planned vision for the waterfront that includes intensive fine-grained urbanism, extensive parks networks, and the largest wetlands reconstruction ever undertaken in an urban area. The Hearn Station, though presently in private hands, has been earmarked as an iconic element, much like London's Tate Gallery, that is part of the overall vision for the waterfront.

Contrary to your views, the Portlands is not a cheesy wasteland upon which you can dump a bunch of big-box stores and suburban stadiums surrounded by parking lots.

my god..... after reading what you said.. i..... i dont know if the stadium would be smart to incorporate into waterfront toronto.... troublesome topic.... i dont want to loose this precious land... but i also want this city exploring all options to please everyone.... VERY troublesome topic

You want proof of Regina?

The Saints, where I said the city was CLOSE, not very close. Not even the same.

How long are you going to fling this crap. That is just TSN. It is not my fault you are to lazy or too much of a bum to do your own research. This is not high school. Grow the hell up and learn to search on your own.
Now. Why would Harper piss off Ford. You have no understanding of Federal Politics or you have no clue how Harper won his majority. That is not for this thread. We are discussing the potential NFL stadium and you are the one pissing and crapping all over this thread with your "I'm so smarter that you crap." And "I'm more patriotic than you." crap. Did I mention I was a Blue Bombers fan when I was a kid? I stopped watching when Braley was allowed to own two teams. You can call it what you wish, I call it bush league. Now where did I say I hate Canada? The fact you don't like the CFL does not mean you hate Canada unless you think 52% of Canada hates itself. Or that all of Canada hated itself during the 90's. Are you one of those who bases nationalism on sports? If so, you don't have a clue what nationalism is. Cut the bullshit and debate like a man.

And my whole point was that I wanted an NFL specific stadium, but because of you(and no one else) I have been made to look like this fanatical NFL booster. And looking though my earlier posts I was not, so don't bring that "you did it all by yourself" to me because it was YOU! And as for the rest of your post, once again not only do you rant like a baby, your spelling errors are sad and ridiculous for a supposed adult. Get Real. This is a thread to discuss a potential NFL stadium, not for you to pontificate on marks(of which I am not), loving Canada and your other self righteous nonsense. If you are not going to do that......Get Lost.
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The Ford's proposal was to put a football stadium and a bunch of american big box stores like Nordstrom (?!) on the site of the demolished Hearn station. That land directly in front of the Hearn station is Lake Ontario Park. The rest of the adjoining lands are part of a cohesive and carefully planned vision for the waterfront that includes intensive fine-grained urbanism, extensive parks networks, and the largest wetlands reconstruction ever undertaken in an urban area. The Hearn Station, though presently in private hands, has been earmarked as an iconic element, much like London's Tate Gallery, that is part of the overall vision for the waterfront.

Contrary to your views, the Portlands is not a cheesy wasteland upon which you can dump a bunch of big-box stores and suburban stadiums surrounded by parking lots.

IMO what about Downsview?? Lots of space. Does not piss off too many people.

Not bad - A stadium could provide a buffer between the proposed Downsview park and the 401, the site's already completely trashed so anything is an improvement, it can't be more offensive than the airport was, and it's well connected to highways infrastructure. And judging by the traffic downtown when there is a game at Rogers stadium, none of the fans take transit anyhow.

Not bad - A stadium could provide a buffer between the proposed Downsview park and the 401, the site's already completely trashed so anything is an improvement, it can't be more offensive than the airport was, and it's well connected to highways infrastructure. And judging by the traffic downtown when there is a game at Rogers stadium, none of the fans take transit anyhow.

By the way.. the airport is still there and is not going anywhere.:)

Not bad - A stadium could provide a buffer between the proposed Downsview park and the 401, the site's already completely trashed so anything is an improvement, it can't be more offensive than the airport was, and it's well connected to highways infrastructure. And judging by the traffic downtown when there is a game at Rogers stadium, none of the fans take transit anyhow.

By the way.. the airport is still there and is not going anywhere.:)

On top of that, the subway already stops there. And if ford is really crazy, he can even get his parking.

Not bad - A stadium could provide a buffer between the proposed Downsview park and the 401, the site's already completely trashed so anything is an improvement, it can't be more offensive than the airport was, and it's well connected to highways infrastructure. And judging by the traffic downtown when there is a game at Rogers stadium, none of the fans take transit anyhow.

Quite a few take transit to games as well, and I'm one of them. One subway train takes hundreds of cars off the road.
We should email ford about this.

I continue to maintain the sole reason for Dougie's musings about Hearn was to test the waters on behalf of his donator, the owner of the Hearn lease. Downsview is big enough, or Woodbine by the racetrack, or countless other places. None of them donated to the Ford campaigns.
I continue to maintain the sole reason for Dougie's musings about Hearn was to test the waters on behalf of his donator, the owner of the Hearn lease. Downsview is big enough, or Woodbine by the racetrack, or countless other places. None of them donated to the Ford campaigns.

Or the CNE..tons of dead space down there.
I continue to maintain the sole reason for Dougie's musings about Hearn was to test the waters on behalf of his donator, the owner of the Hearn lease. Downsview is big enough, or Woodbine by the racetrack, or countless other places. None of them donated to the Ford campaigns.

Very True IMO. An NFL Stadium should be semi suburban. Downtown kills the experience.
