And no I don't believe Bob either, he has no facts. He is a loudmouth and full of hot air (much like you.)
Speaking on behalf on my good friend Bob (and I can call him that because I asked him a question a long time ago when he came to speak to my junior high school class), we love you too.
Speaking on behalf on my good friend Bob (and I can call him that because I asked him a question a long time ago when he came to speak to my junior high school class), we love you too.

Ok. I take back everything I said then and I fully apologize for my past behaviour. I did not know you were a teacher. I should not be disrepecting the educators of our country like that.
Ok. I take back everything I said then and I fully apologize for my past behaviour. I did not know you were a teacher. I should not be disrepecting the educators of our country like that.
That made me laugh.

I'm not a teacher (not that there is anything wrong with teachers), I was a student in junior high school when Bob spoke at my school. Bob's been around Toronto a long, LONG time.

You can go back to hating me now.
That made me laugh.

I'm not a teacher (not that there is anything wrong with teachers), I was a student in junior high school when Bob spoke at my school. Bob's been around Toronto a long, LONG time.

You can go back to hating me now.

Still though, why should I get angry about this. I can't force to like what I like. I have been stupid and childish for no reason. If the NFL comes, it comes. If not I'll live my life. Again I am sorry.
The Fords, The Port Lands , the Mall, the Ferris wheel, and the NFL

So what are they plaaning? Just this the Ferris wheel and and a privately fundened NFL stadium? All this all will cost more that 3 billion dollars. Or will the Mall play for the rest.

So does anyone know what excatly their plan is and how to pay for it, or is this another dream?
Why start this thread before the supposed concept is released? It just opens the door for speculation, hyperbole and the inevitable insult-fest that any discussion regarding the Fords tends to become. At least wait for the actual details to be released, IMO.
Why start this thread before the supposed concept is released? It just opens the door for speculation, hyperbole and the inevitable insult-fest that any discussion regarding the Fords tends to become. At least wait for the actual details to be released, IMO.

Because Ford decided to blab about it before his concept was released. Anyone has the right to comment about what comes out of his mouth.
Why start this thread before the supposed concept is released? It just opens the door for speculation, hyperbole and the inevitable insult-fest that any discussion regarding the Fords tends to become. At least wait for the actual details to be released, IMO.

Fair but I did see some preliminaries in the Star this morning.

And sadly you are right about this insults.
Fair but I did see some preliminaries in the Star this morning.

And sadly you are right about this insults.

I'm glad you started this thread. The proposal is in the public realm now so it deserves feedback in any manner.

Yes, politicians do get insulted on message boards. As does pretty much anything and everything else.
I've made my thoughts known in the waterfront thread, but just as a side note: I was on the 511 Bathurst tonight and heard a couple of people talking about this plan and how idiotic it was. An older woman said something along the lines of "I'm beginning to have doubts about Rob Ford". The tide is turning.
I'm glad you started this thread. The proposal is in the public realm now so it deserves feedback in any manner.

Yes, politicians do get insulted on message boards. As does pretty much anything and everything else.

Name one other politician thats been critisized other than Tim Hudak. This whole forum aside from actual architectural and engineering comments, consists of leftist views. Public funding, billions of tax dollars collected and spent on projects that go way over schedule and way over budget. Private companies dont want to lose money doing projects so they do them right and they do them fast. Government on the other hand has cash loads to rely on if the project goes overbudget seeing as our taxes in Canada are insanely high, although I give credit to Stephen Harper and the PC's for lowering taxes and improving the chances of private investment in this country by reducing corporate taxes which will in turn give us back far more money than we bargained for.

Sorry for getting political but I have strong views and like to share them.

Getting back to the subject, I believe Rob Ford will be successful in his plan through private investors aching to get their hands on prime waterfront property, but Waterfront Toronto WILL work with them to make sure there is still public access such as a board walk (like in front of corus and george brown). Give him a chance, this could be the greatest thing a mayor has ever done for the city. NO NFL STADIUM BY THE WAY. It was mentioned in the article, but I would be happy to see a cash cow like that move into the city anyways. Ferris wheels of the record-breaking scale seem to bring a world class standard to cities (Dubai, Singapore, London, Berlin etc.), I think it will be great to not only get a view of the city from up top, but also a birds eye view from the portlands with the full skyline in sight. Mall sounds like a good investment along with the parklands at the future Pan Am site and waterfront hotels are a great idea too.

Maybe the Fords can jack up the CN Tower so we can reclaim the worlds tallest free standing structure as part of a "Worlds Biggest" strategy for Toronto. The worlds biggest flagpole at Finch and Weston, the worlds biggest free standing structure, the worlds biggest ferris wheel, etc. Of course there is a huge demand for a new mall because the free market tends to leave people under served by retail??
Maybe the Fords can jack up the CN Tower so we can reclaim the worlds tallest free standing structure as part of a "Worlds Biggest" strategy for Toronto. The worlds biggest flagpole at Finch and Weston, the worlds biggest free standing structure, the worlds biggest ferris wheel, etc. Of course there is a huge demand for a new mall because the free market tends to leave people under served by retail??

Its about the money. When a shopper goes out, they want a one stop destination where they can get everything they need, hence why malls exist and thrive. No matter where you build this thing, it will make money, the waterfront property is a bonus and they would absolutely incorporate the water into the mall which would look fantastic. Why not go for the biggest if someone else will pay for it. Its what almost every other major city in the world is doing.
