Good grief. Are you completely and absolutely bonkers or something?

It's the most fucked up plan ever to be conceived. Doug Ford admitted to the press that he's been involved in back room discussions with private financiers. Not only is the plan completely bonkers ... it appears that the Fords are corrupt.

It's like old-fashioned corrupt politics out of the 1950s. It's no wonder Ford keeps mentioning Chicago ... is any US city as corrupt as Chicago?

Adding thousands of large vehicles to Torontos already crowded streets is what I and many others consider "BONKERS".

Seriously, "corrupt", you have no idea what corruption is if you think that is corrupt. Speaking with private financiers to throw money into our transit system, oh how corrupt of him. Makes no sense. By the way, get your information from a trusted source, not some leftist newspaper like the Star that distorts words and changes views toward their liking so they can brainwash their readers, They're almost as bad as CBC.

An example of corrupt:

CBC posted results of a poll for the federal election before they were supposed to be released which is against the law. The multi-billion dollar government funded corporation was given no punishment and were released from court.

I think Ford should expand on the Ferrris Wheel and create a second CNE type thing with rides. That along with a mall could pay for itself and make this work.

YES! Great idea, This is the sort of stuff we should be talking about. Improving and expanding upon his plan rather than bashing it before we even know full what it is just because it was proposed by Rob Ford.
YES! Great idea, This is the sort of stuff we should be talking about. Improving and expanding upon his plan rather than bashing it before we even know full what it is just because it was proposed by Rob Ford.

IMO THe NFL can be built with private money. The problem is how and luring a team.

I think this second Cne could run most of the year, luring families downtown.
I think Ford should expand on the Ferrris Wheel and create a second CNE type thing with rides. That along with a mall could pay for itself and make this work.

We have Ontario Place and Centreville already. Besides, Ontario Place is going through a revitalization scheme that'll likely include more rides.
Smitherman wasted billions of dollars on an e-health scandal.

I question that figure.

Pantalone is litterally one of the most ditzy and oblivious people anyone could know.

When compared to the Fords?

McGuinty has wasted billions on useless government programs and the polls have changed against him for the upcoming election.

Useless programs like kindergarten, health care, and Metrolinx? The polls suggested he was guaranteed to loose had the election been held last year and now it is a close race.

He got rid of a Transit City plan that was expensive and not viable (Imagine a three car lrt blocking an intersection on a left hand turn instead of the one car streetcars that we currently have, its a disaster)

Expensive compared to a subway through the Golden Mile and a subway under Sheppard? Why would a three car LRT be blocking an intersection when they have dedicated lanes? I see one passenger vehicles blocking the intersection all the time.

and cut out an Olympic bid idea because that would only create more debt in the hole already dug by Miller.

What hole? The hole that didn't require the car registration tax and which was filled with gravy?

He has proposed a viable plan including an improvement to our transit system, tourist destination, world-class status waterfront while still maintaining an accessable waterfront. Waterfront Torontos plan includes far too much private residential development that will prevent the public from travelling from one end of the waterfront to the other and denying access to patches all over the waterfront.

The residential development that prevents access to the waterfront was built by the private sector before the Waterfront Toronto Plan. Since planning started nothing that blocks access to the waterfront has been built, instead we have build HtO park, Sugar Beach, Sherbourne Commons, wave decks and boardwalks to increase walking space, and plan a Queens Quay with bike lanes. If Ford turns over the land to private developers why would you expect it to be less like the privately developed waterfront blocking condos and Home Depot plans of the past and more like the Waterfront Plans of today?

The Olympics was a grand vision, so why do you take this as such a stretch?

Because the Olympics brings people to the city, are master planned, are seen by a large audience, and billions of new money are brought into the city. People aren't going to come to Toronto for a mall and ferris wheel. Eaton Centre is better served by transit, and suburban malls are better served by car than a mall in the port lands. Largely the people shopping at a port lands mall will be from the area... so it isn't new money. Why would a location on the waterfront be more ideal for a mall where everyone stays indoors than anywhere else, like the failing Woodbine Live plan?
Where are you getting those stats from? The Rob Ford school of mathematics?

Who cares about stats and mathematics right now and give it 3 more long years...
Let me know in 2015 when he wins his 2nd term ...Come-on, the only people that the Fords are driving crazy, are a new crop of fanatic NDPers, and a bunch of wannabe centre-left Liberals, and we all know what they are all about.
Who cares about stats and mathematics right now and give it 3 more long years...
Let me know in 2015 when he wins his 2nd term ...Come-on, the only people that the Fords are driving crazy, are a new crop of fanatic NDPers, and a bunch of wannabe centre-left Liberals, and we all know what they are all about.

You think the NFL will be here by then?
First of all, OF COURSE THE CITY HASNT INVESTED, THEY DONT HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT! Which is why we need private investment on our waterfront almost desperately.

Capitalization doesn't make it true. When the Waterfront Toronto Corp was started the commitment was $500M from each level of government some in land, some in money. About 1/5 to 1/4 of the land has been made developable and only half of the original commitment has been used. Not all the land which has been made developable has been sold yet which will bring in money for Waterfront Toronto to move to future stages. Private developers don't build free public amenities. The plan was always to start at one place and slowly build out the waterfront. If they sell all the land now they don't get the same amount of money which can be used for public spaces because the lands aren't desirable yet. The land in the West Don Lands and around Sherbourne Park have been made more valuable by the investments Waterfront Toronto has made. They have private investors already... they are just being methodical. Hines, Great Gulf, and Urban Capital have invested on the first properties.

Second, OF COURSE YOU DONT GO TO A CITY FOR ITS FERRIS WHEEL! Major projects like these are built as a catalyst for growth in the industry. And there actually are alot of people that head to London to try out the eye.

So Canada's Wonderland must make Vaughan a real hot spot for tourists and development since it has way more rides than a ferris wheel.

Third, They are putting the proposal of a mall is being thrown out there so that private investors will know that the city is open to the idea and open to investment from the private sector on the watefront!

Investors already know this. They also know that up until now the city had standards of what could be built.

Fourth, again private investment will be the only way that Rob Ford allows a stadium to be built. Shouldnt have to worry about that too much seeing as not many private investors out there are willing to pay for an entire facility nevermind in Canada.

So why would they keep mentioning it? It just shows that they are delusional.

Private investors do a much better job and take zilch out of our pockets with the exception of possibly small grants the government of Ontario and Canada give.

Not if you want public spaces. Show me investors that would create and maintain a public park.

Look at the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls. Almost as much of a gem as the falls themselves.

It is a building that takes money from people to pay for spinning a wheel with pictures and playing cards. If you aren't into that it offers nothing for free. The falls are free, no admission.

The gardens are maintained tremendously and the facility contains far more than a casino with ballrooms, shows, halls, retail and dining. Lets look at another, Trump Tower was built quite quickly and stands currently as one of the most intriguing buildings to rise from the cities grounds in years. A Casino would be a great investment as well with far more to offer other than the casino itself, they are great for big spenders, the public and tourists.

You are talking about private buildings, not public spaces. The Waterfront plan has space for private developments. The mayor could say they want X amount of the developable space to be retail without changing much of the plan. Of the 18 buildings approved so far only 3 are not privately developed. The largest property approved is packed with ground level retail and includes $800 million of private investment.
Why not. They have done wonders making Connecticut, Detroit, St.Louis, Biloxi, Shreveport, and New Orleans tourist hot spots. We need to stand out as a city and the way to do it is be like Windsor, Detroit, and Shreveport. If we get a full casino hopefully it goes to Woodbine. Casino's tend to not be architectural gems but rather a cheap replica of other designs. If you think street vagrants are a problem now wait till a casino dumps drunk and broke people onto the street.
I question that figure.

When compared to the Fords?

Useless programs like kindergarten, health care, and Metrolinx? The polls suggested he was guaranteed to loose had the election been held last year and now it is a close race.

Expensive compared to a subway through the Golden Mile and a subway under Sheppard? Why would a three car LRT be blocking an intersection when they have dedicated lanes? I see one passenger vehicles blocking the intersection all the time.

What hole? The hole that didn't require the car registration tax and which was filled with gravy?

The residential development that prevents access to the waterfront was built by the private sector before the Waterfront Toronto Plan. Since planning started nothing that blocks access to the waterfront has been built, instead we have build HtO park, Sugar Beach, Sherbourne Commons, wave decks and boardwalks to increase walking space, and plan a Queens Quay with bike lanes. If Ford turns over the land to private developers why would you expect it to be less like the privately developed waterfront blocking condos and Home Depot plans of the past and more like the Waterfront Plans of today?

Because the Olympics brings people to the city, are master planned, are seen by a large audience, and billions of new money are brought into the city. People aren't going to come to Toronto for a mall and ferris wheel. Eaton Centre is better served by transit, and suburban malls are better served by car than a mall in the port lands. Largely the people shopping at a port lands mall will be from the area... so it isn't new money. Why would a location on the waterfront be more ideal for a mall where everyone stays indoors than anywhere else, like the failing Woodbine Live plan?

This will be my final argument to you. I'm sure you'll want to have the last word as most liberals do.

We'll start with Smitherman:

Pantalone. Nothing to say but clearly yes.

I can guarentee you that McGuinty will not be voted back in.

The subway and Eglington Crosstown are actually cheaper. Even though there are two lines, they are much more reliable, scheduled and hold more capacity than the lrt system integrated into streets. Im talking left hand turns here. When one of these monsters makes a left hand turn, it blocks the oncoming lanes and if the lrt is stuck behind traffic from another red light, it would be blocking the entire intersection. This would have most definately happened very frequently with the traffic and the length of the new trains. The whole lrt is not designated lanes. Only portions of it are (mostly suburban), so once you hit the city's wall of traffic, your stuck. Expanding the subway system and elevated rt's are the best way to go. Cities turn out much more successful with these than conventional buses and streetcars. Portland, Oregon is a great example of how it can sound great, but ends up getting more negative views than positive in the end. London and New York have fantastic subway systems and run very well. A great canadian example would be Montreal (underground) or Vancouver (above/under).

When I refer to a whole I refer to the debt that Miller left the city with. Now Rob Ford is filling it back in. I dont care if he fills it with gravy as long as he fills it in so Toronto can get back on its feet again and actually earn a profit. The city may seem okay, but thats all the private investment you see, the infrastructure is what lacks due to Millers mistakes.

Home depot isnt mentioned in his plan and that is a past issue that was already turned down so stop bringing up the history of the waterfront and lets get moving on the future. Private residential property is ABSOLUTELY included in the Waterfront Toronto plan. PanAmGames will be low income housing (great just what we need near the waterfront...NOT) as well as River City, Pier 27, Bayside development, Parkside development. The Waterfront should be commercial and parklands that is more inviting than condos. Even if the grounds of these condos are accessable, theyre not as welcoming as public venues. Ford will get it done right and he'll get it done atleast 10 years faster than Waterfront Toronto. Not saying Waterfront Toronto is bad, but this proposal requires less tax money, will definately get done faster and includes a more grand vision.

Correct! Olympics bring in billions, maybe only millions but ill go with that. Problem is that the country, province and city pump in way more than they get in return. I have not heard of one profitable Olympic Games in my lifetime. I am all for the games, even though it would be a good year to apply for (2020), I dont think the city is ready for it with its current infrastructure and we cant suddenly pump billions of government money into temporarily useful venues if we are already trying to find our way out of debt. Its not viable and not logical. Yes, everyone hopes for an Olympics to come to their hometown, but right now, it doesnt make sense.

People DO come to see a ferris wheel and a mall. Toronto is a great city, but it needs a vibrant waterfront of attractions, parkland, residential land, hotels etc. to be successful. It cannot just depend on parklands and residential property with little return on money. I honestly like Waterfront Toronto, but I believe that this is a far better option from what I have heard so far.

I suggest we improve and expand upon his plan like I said in my previous comment and people have alredy started to do so.

