From traditional indigenous viewpoints, it is inherently problematic for anyone to "own" land, indigenous or not. From their original perspective, nature cannot be owned by anyone, as it does not belong to anyone. Humans are simply a part of nature and have a responsibility to act as stewards to protect it. It was the act of colonization, along with the forced exchange of rights, that parcels of nature became a thing to be owned at all. Indigenous people started to fight to "own" land in order to protect it, and thus came the idea that it was stolen at all.

It's not to say that we aren't on stolen land, we are. But even if we were to give all the land back to the indigenous people, it wouldn't fix the massive gap in understanding that exists. But none of this fits within our current understandings of Eurocentric governance, legality, ownership, resource extraction, and social structures.

If we really respected indigenous people, we wouldn't simply give their land back, we'd structure our governance ideals around respecting nature and our place within it. We'd fight to dramatically expand the amount and size of protected parks, limit our dependence on unsustainable resources, and act to fix the generational oppression of indigenous people the government has created (i.e. education, housing, and clean water).
Views on land ownership have more to do with how complex a society is rather than some unique cultural quality that needs to be worshipped as the ultimate truth

indigenous societies in South America were far more complex, they had land ownership and a ridged class system with nobility, royalty, warriors, peasants, and slaves. Examples of any indigenous society south of Mexico completely to undermine the "no land ownership" myth. If they had been left alone, they would have eventually developed land ownership

Obviously, the society we currently live in is far more complex than pre-agrarian North American indigenous societies and any conversation about revering it is silly

all land in Toronto is either private or belongs to the King in the name of the public
So, you was by the other day when I took this because I’m still trying to figure things out. So parliament slip does its infill, so Queens Quay can extend east- but it hits new Cherry St. and then… are they going to grade this into a more delicate ramp to connect to lake shore? It’s kinda steep right now.

It’s also like… are there going to be another set of lights where the cross walk is? Cuz that’s a lot of lights- you’d have Lake Shore & Cherry. Queens Quay & Cherry and then Queens Quay & Lake Shore? All within a couple hundred metres of one another?

Made a rare trip to Rebel Thursday night, awesome show, one for the ages. However, I’m sure this won’t come as a surprise to many, the traffic situation was laughable.

I walked from near distillery loop around 12am when inbound traffic was backed up about 1.5km, spilling out to lake shore. Around 3am the traffic situation was similar volume but more outflow than inflow. I’m sure weekend afternoons in the summer are busy as well, though I’ve never seen for myself.

I’d imagine this becomes a real issue as soon as a few properties on the island are occupied. With primarily industrial traffic, the evening/weekend traffic jams used to have little impact. In the future, residents will expect reliable access to the city and its services at any time of day/night. And they’ll likely be without dedicated ROW transit for some time.

We know the club’s days are numbered, but I get the idea it may close even sooner than the polson pier area is set for redevelopment. Though the location – and sometimes clientele – are no good it’s a pretty great quality venue FWIW.
So, you was by the other day when I took this because I’m still trying to figure things out. So parliament slip does its infill, so Queens Quay can extend east- but it hits new Cherry St. and then… are they going to grade this into a more delicate ramp to connect to lake shore? It’s kinda steep right now.

It’s also like… are there going to be another set of lights where the cross walk is? Cuz that’s a lot of lights- you’d have Lake Shore & Cherry. Queens Quay & Cherry and then Queens Quay & Lake Shore? All within a couple hundred metres of one another?

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if I understand right, the area to left of the fence (west of Cherry) will be filled in and raised to level of Cherry - there are a couple of 'driveways' that end at a cliff now and that is clearly not going to work!
People don't ride bicycles and take transit to night clubs?
It's a really awkward spot to take transit from. It's a long walk through abandoned industrial in the dark or a long wait at a dark bus stop. I think if this was a more populated area less people would feel the need to drive/taxi back from those concerts.
People don't ride bicycles and take transit to night clubs?
I've taken the TTC to Rebel a few times...and it's not in an ideal spot. And there doesn't seem to be any coordination between the TTC and Ink to get people in and out quickly.

I hate to bring up London...but all of the venues here that are out of the way, there seems to be a standard coordination between the venue and either TfL or a specific train operator, if at the very least traffic management.
I've taken the TTC to Rebel a few times...and it's not in an ideal spot. And there doesn't seem to be any coordination between the TTC and Ink to get people in and out quickly.

I hate to bring up London...but all of the venues here that are out of the way, there seems to be a standard coordination between the venue and either TfL or a specific train operator, if at the very least traffic management.
Surprised Rebel/Cabana doesn’t run a shuttle from Distillery Loop.
Surprised Rebel/Cabana doesn’t run a shuttle from Distillery Loop.
It's 1.5 km from Cherry and Mill St (Distillery loop is about 100m south of there) from Rebel. That's a 15-20 min walk. I'd certainly be fine to do that! In fact the last time I saw anything at Rebel (311 in 10+ years ago) we walked to King st after the show.

Edit: added Distillery Loop
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