Cherry St bascule bridge has been lowered back down and allowing traffic to pass as of early this morning.

EDIT: It will be open to traffic until Monday at noon.

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The Star out with a piece outlining the process for removing the plugs........and a minor snag when one sprung a leak sooner than planned:

Lots of good explanations, including why we saw filling go pretty quickly, and how the heck they were removing the plugs:

Right now, workers and machines are slicing the wall into 10 pieces. Divers drill holes in the wall underwater and feed a diamond wire saw through it. The wire is attached to a machine on shore that turns, slicing through the concrete, cutting 10 to 15 feet per day.

Each piece will weigh about 45 to 55 metric tonnes, Forbes said — about 99,000 to 121,000 pounds.

Cutting such a massive piece takes time. To slice three metres off the top of the west plug (to allow room for a barge to hold the excavator that will remove some pieces) took about a month, [Waterfront Toronto’s project director Don] Forbes said.
Are they talking about North or South Plug?

There are 3 plugs and the first to be removed will be the West Plug, which is the one between the river and the Lake. (Polson Slip)
That makes sense. West plug is gone. North plug is still there. Where's the 3rd one? I'm trying to picture it.
The article has a nice map with the plugs in red. It's blocking the southern entrance to the overflow area.
