I drove south out the bottom of old Cherry Street at Lake Shore Blvd for the first time in a long time. They had just removed the pylons and opened it up on Saturday morning. Could not drive north up old Cherry street from Lake Shore blvd. But maybe that has been opened up since. It's funny Google Maps still shows both directions close, but I definitely drove it southbound open on Saturday morning.

I live at that intersection and I have noticed that when the gridlock is insane on Lake Shore that some extremely frustrated drivers will occasionally move the pylons out of the way and drive up Cherry under the bridge :) Good move to avoid being trapped idling in your car on wb Lake Shore for hours behind 3 lanes of stopped traffic trying to merge onto the wb Gardiner at Jarvis.

Not sure if that is what happened in this case - it's closed off today.
Ha. I can understand that frustration.

Yeah this was Southbound at same intersection. Maybe they were just juggling them around and I slipped through.
Ha. I can understand that frustration.

Yeah this was Southbound at same intersection. Maybe they were just juggling them around and I slipped through.
The City told me some months ago that the intersection would remain closed (north and south) until the new traffic lights are set up. Soon, I would say!
I drove by this morning around 11:30, the new traffic lights are up (covered in black plastic still) but there was nobody working on the intersection, and there is still a substantial amount if paving and sidewalks to be installed at the intersection. I hope that I am incorrect, but it appears it may still be 3 or 4 months out before the new intersection gets close to being complete.
I drove by this morning around 11:30, the new traffic lights are up (covered in black plastic still) but there was nobody working on the intersection, and there is still a substantial amount if paving and sidewalks to be installed at the intersection. I hope that I am incorrect, but it appears it may still be 3 or 4 months out before the new intersection gets close to being complete.
You seem unnecessarily cynical, even for a UTer. The section to be graded and paved now runs from the south side of Lake Shore to just north of the (temporary) Martin Goodman. Though I have no idea of when WT expect to deal with this (very short 100 metre?) section, it will not take long to grade it, install the concrete and pave it. This kind of work is done fast - once it's scheduled.
I watched a little while ago as Toronto Fire purposefully drove south on Mill, then had a guy get out and move all the pylons and put them back, just to get on Lake Shore.

Apart from getting (New) Cherry finished, I do wonder about the timeline for the signal house getting moved and them putting the streetcar tunnel in. They’ve already laid concrete for sidewalks and islands that look like they’re going to be there for awhile. Makes me wonder if that streetcar extension is anywhere within the next 5yrs.
I watched a little while ago as Toronto Fire purposefully drove south on Mill, then had a guy get out and move all the pylons and put them back, just to get on Lake Shore.

Apart from getting (New) Cherry finished, I do wonder about the timeline for the signal house getting moved and them putting the streetcar tunnel in. They’ve already laid concrete for sidewalks and islands that look like they’re going to be there for awhile. Makes me wonder if that streetcar extension is anywhere within the next 5yrs.
Given the fact that there is no money for QQE, let along the Cherry St LRT extension. you may see the new tunnels around 2032-35 or beyond those dates. With the OL work taking place, the signal tower move is not on the radar at this time unless ML deems it should be more to deal with the Lakeshore expansion.
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I watched a little while ago as Toronto Fire purposefully drove south on Mill, then had a guy get out and move all the pylons and put them back, just to get on Lake Shore.

Apart from getting (New) Cherry finished, I do wonder about the timeline for the signal house getting moved and them putting the streetcar tunnel in. They’ve already laid concrete for sidewalks and islands that look like they’re going to be there for awhile. Makes me wonder if that streetcar extension is anywhere within the next 5yrs.
Next 5 years? Dream on!
They are going to build dozens of buildings out on QQE, with no transit, forcing all residents to own cars, and the Toronto Star will write endless articles about the traffic on Lake Shore because their executives take forever to get to their offices (next to Union Station).
They have been building dozens of buildings out on QQE, with no transit, for a decade forcing all residents to own cars, and the Toronto Star will write endless articles about the traffic on Lake Shore because their executives take forever to get to their offices (next to Union Station).
Fixed that for you...
Yes isn't there a couple of bus routes along QQE that eventually finds their way to/near Union? I wouldn't say QQE is transit less, but it's definitely lacking especially with how congested it can be during rush hour.
There is definitely nowhere downtown that is that dense with such poor transit. If I lived in one of those buildings, there's no way I'd consider not owning a car. I'll admit to owning a car in a much better served spot (hey, I have a little kid, and it's hard!) but there it would be really hard to live without one.
Yes isn't there a couple of bus routes along QQE that eventually finds their way to/near Union? I wouldn't say QQE is transit less, but it's definitely lacking especially with how congested it can be during rush hour.
Yes, as noted above the 72 (Pape/Union) and 19 (Bay) and also 65 (Parliament) buses run on QQE but they really do not offer sufficient or appropriate transit service - certainly not for one which was advertised as "transit first".
