Just go this. These Zoom meetings are actually really informative.


For how many decades will that transit right-of-way remain blanketed in chia grass 😂
One and a quarter? Funding within 3-4 years, 7-9 years of construction... unless Waterfront Toronto moves ahead without Union (i.e. Cherry underpass) in which case it could be sooner. The slow part will be the city owned part.
Transit First will be 20 years old in June, and so far there are plans, studies, and no money. This linear lawn and shiny bridge could be considered a concrete step, but they are actually beyond the stretch on QQ that has to be built Firstâ„¢. I predict bus lanes will appear about the time weeds choke out the grass.
Isn't Norm di Pasquale the main behind the "Ontario Place for All" group? Is he against the development plan for Villiers Island too? 🤔
I think I there are a lot of people in Toronto that have criticisms of both plans. For different reasons, though. Most of them like the broad idea in Villiers, but are pretty much universally against the idea of turning Ontario place over to Therme and digging a huge parking garage there.
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 3.28.29 PM.png

Pardon the potential off-topic comment, but does anyone know what the long term plans for the areas in red are? Mainly the Eastern Beaches as it seems like there's a chunk of grey nothingness there that could either be a park or a future neighbourhood. Also interested what the long term plans around the Turning Basin are (other than the new Leslie Lookout Park) and also for the spit off the marina labelled Safety24 Training.
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Pardon the potential off-topic comment, but does anyone know what the long term plans for the areas in red are? Mainly the Eastern Beaches as it seems like there's a chunk of grey nothingness there that could either be a park or a future neighbourhood. Also interested what the long term plans around the Turning Basin are (other than the new Leslie Lookout Park) and also for the spit off the marina labelled Safety24 Training.
The area in red is currently part of the reworking of Ashbridges Bay by TRCA ( https://trca.ca/conservation/infras...bridges-bay-erosion-sediment-control-project/ ) and connected to work on the Ashbridges Bay pumping station (https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threa...nt-plant-20-86m-2s-city-of-toronto-b-v.32727/)

When all is done (2025??) most of this new land will be part of Tommy Thompson Park. SEE ALSO: https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threads/leslie-street-spit.15550/page-10
