Out of curiosity, what did that concrete encased bridge contain? I always assumed it housed utility pipes crossing the Don...but recent shots here suggest that it was much more pointless then that.
Out of curiosity, what did that concrete encased bridge contain? I always assumed it housed utility pipes crossing the Don...but recent shots here suggest that it was much more pointless then that.
The concrete Enbridge bridge held a large and major gas pipe that ran from the Enbridge hub on Eastern Avenue (just east of the rail berm) and served most of west side Toronto. They moved it underground a couple of years ago and upgraded their line going to the west end under Lake Shore last year. There is a thread on their work on Eastern at https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threa...ue-22-98m-3s-enbridge-walterfedy.30735/page-3
The concrete Enbridge bridge held a large and major gas pipe that ran from the Enbridge hub on Eastern Avenue (just east of the rail berm) and served most of west side Toronto. They moved it underground a couple of years ago and upgraded their line going to the west end under Lake Shore last year. There is a thread on their work on Eastern at https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threa...ue-22-98m-3s-enbridge-walterfedy.30735/page-3

Actually, it is even more important than that, as it is the bottom end of a major Enbridge gas distribution pipeline that comes via the Don Valley from north of Richmond Hill where it is supplied with transmission gas from others and now is also fed from other reinforced sources from further west as well (ask me how I know!). It does connect to Eastern Avenue station, where the pressure is cut and then a lower pressure pipeline extended west into the City and I believe also provides for the Portland Energy Centre. It's a lotta gas!!!
bridge demolition update from the 22nd.
The Drum118 Bridge still seems to be taking forever with no progress, but again I'm probably missing massive progress that's staring me right in the face.

Looks like we've got nice stone on the corner of Keating Channel and Lower Don to break up those massive ice flows.

And last but not least, looks like Ookwmin Minising is currently not an Island but just a huge peninsula owing to this tiny temporary land bridge.
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The Drum118 Bridge still seems to be taking forever with no progress, but again I'm probably missing massive progress that's staring me right in the face.

Looks like we've got nice stone on the corner of Keating Channel and Lower Don to break up those massive ice flows.

And last but not least, looks like Ookwmin Minising is currently not an Island but just a massive peninsula owing to this tiny temporary land bridge.
I think that the Lake Shore bridge will suddenly be 'finished' as the time-consuming thing is to build the new piers/supports and they seem just about done. Adding the 'spans' is comparatively simple but I do not know if they will be poured in place here or built off-site and 'only' mounted on them. I guess we will see soon enough!
Can anyone tell if this bridge is now disconnected from either side and resting entirely on the barge under it, or not yet?

I strongly doubt they would 'disconnect' the bridge until it is reduced to a skeleton and see no reason why they would want to.
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I was on (New) Cherry today and they have totally cleared the site at SW corner of Lake Shore and New Cherry and done more clean-up on the site on SE corner too. They are also starting to do minor excabvation along the north side of the Keating Channel, presumably to fix the (quite deteriorated) dock wall - on both siders of New Cherry. In general lots of work going on with pouring concrete paths and moving earth around and spreading grass seed beside the old Fire Hall and on north side of Commissioners. Also note they are putting up a new fence parallel to Cherry and about 30 feet north of the dockwall

