I like it especially from this angle ... reminds me of the Flatiron condo in Vancity.

somewhat related ... the foundations for the new St Mary's concrete plant in the portlands have been completed
Okay, I actually find 'Off-Ramp' kind of endearing, but I am a bit mystified by the 'quasi-government housing' question. Is that what LTD strikes you as? What have I missed? It doesn't look so bad!

By the way, the mockery is prompted by your nearly universally negative view of developments here. That's all.

Okay, I actually find 'Off-Ramp' kind of endearing, but I am a bit mystified by the 'quasi-government housing' question. Is that what LTD strikes you as? What have I missed? It doesn't look so bad!

By the way, the mockery is prompted by your nearly universally negative view of developments here. That's all.


I accept that criticism. The negative tone on this one has more to do with the area than the building. Off topic, I just noticed that the Minto Midtown South Tower looks virtually identical to one of the Shit*yPlace Towers! They must have used to same architect! It just doesn't look so hideous in the context of Yonge and Eg where it blends nicely into the mature and diverse landscape.

LTD at the heart of it all

Brought to you by Malibu Investments (Malibu at Harbroufront, Grammercy park, Boutique).

First rendering I have seen of this building due at the northern edge at Bathurst and Fleet, hugging the Gardiner. Right Here.

You can see the location of all future Ft. York phases behind Malibu and West Harbour City's 2 towers... along with Neptune (lit). There's a medium-rise north of Malibu 1 and a high rise further north.


Photo credit: sorry, unknown

So, we're taking about the medium rise on the east edge of this model, sandwiched in between the towers, right? That would mean that this is not up against the Gardiner, and in fact once the next building north of it goes in, it will actually be impossible for lower floor LTD residents to even see the Gardiner...

It does strike me as bizarre that the smallest building is pinned against the tall tower and the Gardiner.
This is the first time I have heard there will be a third building directly north of Malibu and Ltd. Other than that fancy 3d model...is there somewhere to confirm this?

I dont think the master plan for the area mentionned it...
