To my eye, those coloured panels look pretty hokey. I also don't think features such as this are going to age very well. But to each his own.
To my eye, those coloured panels look pretty hokey. I also don't think features such as this are going to age very well. But to each his own.

Those colours tend to be popular no matter the era. It may be something that will redeem the building when its architecture goes out of style for a couple of decades. Besides, what style of architecture was deemed dated at one point and never appreciated again? Even Brutalism is gaining in its group of defenders.

I like the almost Modernist-Latin-America way that photo makes Lumiere look integral to Continental Can...
Now that looks posh. Across the street, ROCP is like a brash poorly built and badly designed beige Ford Excursion while Lumiere is a sophisticated black Range Rover Sport.

Thanks for saving my feet and legs today, Jason.
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Great pictures however this is a building that is hard to get good looking photographs of, it looks even better in person. The roof feature is coming along well too, this building is dynamite.
I just can't shut up about how much I love this building, truly the great high-rise surprise this year. It should be seen in person, it's a difficult building to photograph as many details can't be seen in photos.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

They went with a nice sidewalk treatment, and the details in the soffit makes the little weather protected bit actually feel welcoming. This (and TIFF does it well, too) should be the model for weather protected sidewalks in Toronto. No big, obtrusive pillars to form an arcade, just a nice cantilevered floor that does double duty as a canopy.
im so curious to see how the units look inside this place...developers are all over the place with finishes and quality. without mentioning any names
This building absolutely stomps Murano up the street. I wish more of these towers would be designed by Wallman and fewer by aA.
