Sunlover nailed it.

If you don't want the vibe, the sirens, the occasional drunk under-aged club-goer....... married to the 4 minute walk to work at King & Bay, the 1 minute walk to Roy Thompson, the Alex or the Princess of Wales (or even tea and sconds at da Ritz?)... don't plan to live here.

If, on the other hand, you bought a place to actually live in (a place that's actually being built) in this rather extraordinary, ever-changing neighbourhood... I suspect your building will be great, the neighbourhood will always amuse and entertain.... and your condo is worth 50-75% more than you paid.
Sunlover nailed it.

If you don't want the vibe, the sirens, the occasional drunk under-aged club-goer....... married to the 4 minute walk to work at King & Bay, the 1 minute walk to Roy Thompson, the Alex or the Princess of Wales (or even tea and sconds at da Ritz?)... don't plan to live here.

If, on the other hand, you bought a place to actually live in (a place that's actually being built) in this rather extraordinary, ever-changing neighbourhood... I suspect your building will be great, the neighbourhood will always amuse and entertain.... and your condo is worth 50-75% more than you paid.

Well said!! And coming from a condo-owner in South Florida--even if the condo is worth NO more than what we paid 3 years down the road--it is still HEAVEN! How fortunate we are to live in these wonderful places!
Just enjoy and be grateful!
Sunlover nailed it.

If you don't want the vibe, the sirens, the occasional drunk under-aged club-goer....... married to the 4 minute walk to work at King & Bay, the 1 minute walk to Roy Thompson, the Alex or the Princess of Wales (or even tea and sconds at da Ritz?)... don't plan to live here.

If, on the other hand, you bought a place to actually live in (a place that's actually being built) in this rather extraordinary, ever-changing neighbourhood... I suspect your building will be great, the neighbourhood will always amuse and entertain.... and your condo is worth 50-75% more than you paid.

Sunlover nailed it.

If you don't want the vibe, the sirens, the occasional drunk under-aged club-goer....... married to the 4 minute walk to work at King & Bay, the 1 minute walk to Roy Thompson, the Alex or the Princess of Wales (or even tea and sconds at da Ritz?)... don't plan to live here.

If, on the other hand, you bought a place to actually live in (a place that's actually being built) in this rather extraordinary, ever-changing neighbourhood... I suspect your building will be great, the neighbourhood will always amuse and entertain.... and your condo is worth 50-75% more than you paid.

Oh I'm ready for it!!!! Just will be different living beside a club, I just hope I can sustain it!! Downtown life is where I want to be!! Trust me I'm looking forward to it, one plus is that anytime i want to party just jump from my terrace to the clubs patio......doesn't get anymore VIP than that!!!
Why are there cement trucks if only the digging is commencing?

I'm not trying to be antagonistic; I'm actually just wondering.
Why are there cement trucks if the only digging is commencing?

I'm not trying to be antagonistic; I'm actually just wondering.

I was wondering that myself, but there they were.

I am just stating what I saw; one was pulling away out of the back alley as another was moving in. There was only the two cement trucks all afternoon I believe.

Maybe they were being used for site stabilization?
they're concrete trucks and concrete is needed for whatever shoring will be implemented
May 28


they have one of... THOSE things on the site now.... yay?

and right across the street at Bathurst/King is THIS baby....


which.... actually is nicer at street level than what was there before so i say sure why not...
woops.... sorry...

i should look at street signs when i walk....

Say Hello, I'm Bored.
Not to change the subject--but does anyone know what and where the big box type grocery stores are in this neighbourhood??
Just wondering how far my trek will be when it is finished........
Not to change the subject--but does anyone know what and where the big box type grocery stores are in this neighbourhood??
Just wondering how far my trek will be when it is finished........

There aren't any. There's eventually going to be a Sobey's (24 hour?) going into the Montage tower down at Spadina & Bremner.

Right now the closest big box grocery stores are a transit commute away -- Dominion at Market Square on Front St, Loblaws at Queens Quay & Jarvis, rip-off Sobeys in Queens Quay Terminal, Dominion in Liberty Village, No Frills further west in Parkdale, and No Frills at Dufferin Mall. If you're going to travel that far, you might as well go to St Lawrence Market instead.

Other than that, there's a Fresh & Wild at King & Spadina, but it's a complete rip-off. There's a Rabba at Front & Blue Jays Way and a Kitchen Table down King West in the Summit apartments. It's also way too expensive. The Shoppers Drug Mart at King & Peter has a small grocery section. Some grocery stores in Kensington Market.
Bummer......well hopefully in the two years until completion there will be some interest in another closer location that is within walking distance (with groceries....)
