Firenze? Niiiiiiiiice.

PE - look for a PM regarding a great restaurant there.


PS - I forgot to mention in the PM that the restuarant's exact location can be found by clicking on the 'map' link on the Flickr photo page I sent you. Salute!
Pilot, season 1 :cool:

Brother's Keeper? Brilliant episode, particularly the Phil Collins, 'In the Air Tonight' montage and the final question: 'Tubbs, ever consider a career in southern law enforcement?'

One of the best shows ever.

Sorry to derail the M5V discussion everyone...
November 5

A construction worker said they will be going down five levels.


Hmm - fresh signs of economic activity! Yippee!

now now ProjectEnd ... be good :D
C'mon 42 - clearly this project is not getting built.

You're right - there's clearly less on site here than there was before! I assume at some point they'll tire of enlarging this void, and will then fill it back up with concrete.

I'm sorry but this progress does not scream "OK crew, lets DIG IN and get this
mutha completed!!!!" rather whimpers, "OK lets move some dirt around,
and dig a little, to say we are starting construction to get our last draw, and then revisit our options at a later date....."
I am disillusioned, to say the least....
