From the King streetcar, if you're standing, you can see a big pile of dirt close to the street on the construction site. So they are definitely doing some digging.

That pile has been there for quite some time. They are drilling and anchoring but no substantial digging as of yet.
September 23

Looking north towards King. All of the steel shoring beams have been installed. There is no heavy equipment on the site and the digging has not started.

Actually I think it has. I passed by on the streetcar on Friday and there was a large excavator moving dirt around, and it looked like other equipment was on site, as well. Looks like things are starting to happen.
Therion you are right, excavation has begun. Photos from today September 28.


A closeup of the September 23 climber and I also noticed the solar panels above the climber on MEC. In the future M5V will be casting a shadow on the solar panels.
Oh. So THAT's the site. I just figured it was going up where the sales centre is.

So what's happening on the lot kitty-corner to the Lightbox where the sales centre currently sits?
The sales centre has been vacated and the weeds outside are growing tall.
You should be able to find some answers to that in the Hyatt thread about the rebranding of that hotel. What you are seeing my only be related to The Score tv studios. Read through the thread - it's not a long one yet!

