The Balmuto entrance must be getting close to opening. Cladding over the precast is white on the south elevation.
It's really unfortunate that the podium was expanded...I do miss that imposing and scary effect, which was very interesting to experience as a kid. It certainly made this building memorable. I understand the owners want to update the buildings street frontage, but this was the wrong route to follow IMO.
It's really unfortunate that the podium was expanded...I do miss that imposing and scary effect, which was very interesting to experience as a kid. It certainly made this building memorable. I understand the owners want to update the buildings street frontage, but this was the wrong route to follow IMO. it or hate it, the original building was ahead of its time. And wore that proudly.

The glass box additions are a few steps backwards from that. While giving retail more space in functionality...they do little else to spark the imagination of what could be. And because of that, they will not age well...unlike the rest of the building, which is now chained down by contemporary PoMo excess, IMO again. /sigh
I wonder why that one section along Bay is only being reclad, not built-out to the sidewalk. Anyone have any insight into that?

I don't mind this. Is it ideal? No. Is it better than what was there before, in terms of accessibility and how it meets the street? Yes.
I agree too.
It was really struggling early on, but it's turned out better than I originally expected.
Perfect? No.
Passable as we get close to completion and a big improvement over what was? Yes, imo.
Living in Toronto you slowly start accepting 'passable' as good enough. It's not.... especially in what is supposed to be the most exclusive shopping district in the country. It doesn't take much international travel to hammer home how far we still have to go. This is the only big global city I can think of where the population think this is good enough. Something like this would never pass muster on Bond Street, Park Avenue, Avenue Montaigne, etc. Are we building a top shelf global metropolis or just a giant Winnipeg?

This is shopping mall fare.
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Living in Toronto you slowly start accepting 'passable' as good enough. It's not.... especially in what is supposed to be the most exclusive shopping district in the country. It doesn't take much international travel to hammer home how far we still have to go. This is the only big global city I can think of where the population think this is good enough. Something like this would never pass muster on Bond Street, Park Avenue, Avenue Montaigne, etc. Are we building a top shelf global metropolis or just a giant Winnipeg?

This is shopping mall fare.
The Toronto inferiority complex strikes again.
They can't dress this monstrosity up enough to make it acceptable. It's a travesty that we will have to live with, until generations ahead decide to replace it.
