The leprechaun was caught trying to climb the crane.. Where's Batman when you need him to stop these trespassing criminals?
Citizen, the rainbow did vanish! The Leprechaun's pot o' gold is locked away again as is the pesky clover-coloured fellow, and interim police chief James Ramer assures me that this fair city is safe again from his fanciful displays of colour.
Citizen, the rainbow did vanish! The Leprechaun's pot o' gold is locked away again as is the pesky clover-coloured fellow, and interim police chief James Ramer assures me that this fair city is safe again from his fanciful displays of colour.
Batman, there are rumours that the leprechaun is apparently working for the crime syndicate better known as the Boston Celtics and he may return to steal the Larry O'Brien trophy from the Raptors.
Batman, there are rumours that the leprechaun is apparently working for the crime syndicate better known as the Boston Celtics and he may return to steal the Larry O'Brien trophy from the Raptors.
Gadzooks! Thanks for the tip-off, concerned Senior Member. I'll ask local billionaire paragon Bruce Wayne to keep an eye on them from his courtside seats.
Gadzooks! Thanks for the tip-off, concerned Senior Member. I'll ask local billionaire paragon Bruce Wayne to keep an eye on them from his courtside seats.
Yea right. Bruce Wayne can't afford courtside Raptors playoff tickets 🤣




Three tower cranes in Toronto's emerging West Don Lands, two of which are located in Block 8 development. The Gooderham condo, shown behind, is located in the Distillery District.

