No, i believe MLS has their parking garage entrance on the south side of, limos and taxis will always use that loop to drop people off.
This block of Bremner would make a perfect woonerf (shared pedestrian/vehicle space). They're everywhere in Europe, and apparently they're planned for the West Don Lands.
old picture but interesting nonetheless


from robert bluesky at


from another facemobile at
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Those are incredible shots!

MLS looks really tall/skinny especially from the cn tower...

They really fit in from various angles...
Telus looks surprisingly good in all of those shots... rare
yes, another one of my favorite buildings on the go rightnow. When this project is finished and ice one and two begin, the area here at york and bremner will feel more connected to the core, infact its happening already as the crowds gather to cross the street at york and cranes hover at eighteen york. my wish would have been a more sizable base at ice to match this here, but i believe, build and let happen, still kills a parking lot here. So intotal two parking lots gone and two giant grasshill embankments gone...
It looks really classy in the pictures shown above. The ACC can now legitimately call itself a world class sports complex.
It looks really classy in the pictures shown above. The ACC can now legitimately call itself a world class sports complex.

It already does - in 2008 the ACC ranked 4th in the planet for total patrons and 2nd in the world for total ticket revenue (concerts / live music). Add to the the Leafs, Raptors, Rock and it's certainly one of the busiest venues in the world.
Statistics obviously don't lie, nevertheless, it's gaining a new life up and down there which lightens it up for one of the busiest metropolises in the world. And it looks like the South tower soon could be done building. When is it scheduled to finish the building process and the interior decoration?
It already does - in 2008 the ACC ranked 4th in the planet for total patrons and 2nd in the world for total ticket revenue (concerts / live music). Add to the the Leafs, Raptors, Rock and it's certainly one of the busiest venues in the world.

But not the winning-est...SLAM! Teehee (I couldn't resisst)

Now that this project is coming together I can finally say... I think the podium is a miss. :(

Not because it is too massive like a Hudsons Bay Centre at Bloor... Though it is too massive. I think I can get used to that. These old parking lots are never going to be filled with streetwalls that took the first half of last century to create. So they have to create "Instant" streetwalls. That's the way Toronto is going to deal with all this open space and I will just have to deal with it.

But because it's disjointed. On The York Street facade, the transition from Commercial size floors to Hotel size is too abrupt. In my opinion they should have either made it look like two entirely different buildings built side by side with slightly different heights and facades or make the look more cohesive. Right now it seems like a new century take on Post Modernism. Like Post-post modernism or PoPoMo if you will. LOL

I do love the height of these towers and overall, it's a nice project... I'm just not a big fan of huge podia. And MLS has that in spades.
ill have to assume that you'll be more a fan of ice than mls.. there you get a low podium/nonpodium which is uniform throughout both the housing and commercial sides. infact this could be a sweet counterpoint to the urban disjointedness across the street at mls. of course we will have to wait a few more years to see how everything works in combination.
ill have to assume that you'll be more a fan of ice than mls.. there you get a low podium/nonpodium which is uniform throughout both the housing and commercial sides. infact this could be a sweet counterpoint to the urban disjointedness across the street at mls. of course we will have to wait a few more years to see how everything works in combination.

Not sure about that either... I think some sort of podium is OK. I just think they are overdoing the scale of them these days. I know you love Bell/Lightbox Caltrane so I won't trash it's podium right now... Oooopps I just did.

I DO like a building to have a solid base, just not one that overwhelms both the street and the tower above. Let's face it... A podium is the modern answer to the New York City "Set-back" laws of early last century. If you look at the Empire State Building and break down it's form, it's just a tall tower on a big podium. But they just executed the cohesiveness SOOOOO much better back then.

I know I'm asking a lot from today's money-conscious builders... But we could strive for excellence couldn't we?

Still going back to the earlier posts, this has got to be one of the best podiums built on a skyscraper in this city in sometime, and you'll have to reconcile it's scale (the podium) with its multi use designation.

here are some pics from front street..

I also do like the design of the podium.. It has a truly unique shape and really fits in to it's surroundings... I also like how big the podium is and how many floors it has..
