concept wise ... MLS is a great development with its mix of uses

final product wise ... MLS looked great but only the podium portion, the tower above looks like a typical uninspiring green/grey glass tower ... in particular the pale green spandrel "rooftop architectural feature" was very disappointing IMO
Ice condos next door, will probably make MLS looks like crap.

But who knows how Ice will look when all is said and done... For the most part, MLS did a fantastic job of using a valuable toronto parking lot and making it into a great development... they used practically every square inch they could and will be a great complex!

Anyone know when the Longos is opening?
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The diagonal lines in the balcony glass are pretty cool, and I like how the shape of the rooftop "architectural features" continue them. Overall, however, I still don't like the pale green colour that they have used. A different cladding would have made a huge difference. I know the dangers of relying on renders, which are always compeleted with a view to marketing over accuracy -- but nevertheless, it's worth noting that in the renders, the areas where we ended up with the light green-ish material appeared to be something resembling limestone or textured pre-cast. That might have been a better look.

Nevertheless - the height and slenderness of the towers are fantastic, and I'm so happy to see this once-desolate area filled in that I find it hard to be too critical.
Yeah... we should be thankful that we weren't left with an empty parking lot instead of 2 awesome skyline fillers! MLS is not the best, but definitely not the worst :)
I love the diagonal glass. What I really hate is that dotted line effect of the light green spandrel. I think that looks absolutely hideous, and ruins the look of the building. It should have been the same colour as the glass surrounding it.
concept wise ... MLS is a great development with its mix of uses

final product wise ... MLS looked great but only the podium portion, the tower above looks like a typical uninspiring green/grey glass tower ... in particular the pale green spandrel "rooftop architectural feature" was very disappointing IMO

Hopefully the blandness of the MLS towers will showcase Ice's promised flair. Hopefully.
the scale of this project, the clean lines and the hieght, the creation of the streetwall, the vibe of energy this project will bring make this project one of the very best ever built in toronto, then to think that this was all wasteland just a few years ago, it would be hard to tell that now...its so bustling and active.
Anyone who thinks these towers are not attractive should take a ride along the Gardiner. These babies stand out as fine exceptions to some of the boring eye clutter (particularly the Pinnacle/Success towers) down there. I love 'em.
Anyone who thinks these towers are not attractive should take a ride along the Gardiner. These babies stand out as fine exceptions to some of the boring eye clutter (particularly the Pinnacle/Success towers) down there. I love 'em.

They are great, but they aren't an eye-candy either... Toronto skyline has/will have loads of glass towers, but it lacks the unique ones (like the L Tower).
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I find that most glass towers look their best before people move in, close or open their drapes and put stuff onto their balconies. I think it'll be the opposite for me with regards to MLS. I have a feeling they'll look that much better once occupied.
I find that most glass towers look their best before people move in, close or open their drapes and put stuff onto their balconies. I think it'll be the opposite for me with regards to MLS. I have a feeling they'll look that much better once occupied.

possibly, but i hope people don't have white blinds :eek:yuck!

I think MLS will look alot nicer once all the exterior is complete!... with the mechanical boxes and balconies all done!... it's definitely gonna look a little better than it does now..

The only thing that went wrong on MLS for me, is the colour of the glass... It's so grey and pale... kinda yucky :eek:!
yeah... i know what you mean... The glass never appealed to me (with the faded greyish/blackish colour.... it looked really old even though it was a brand new tower)... But i do like the concept and planning of this project!... it all looks nice and tall! :)

That's similar to the "evolution" that Vancouver's glass condos have taken. Moving away from the "sea-foam" green glass to grayer e-coated glass.
The result generally appears more drab and mundane than the green glass looked, but it does relieve from the "same-ness" of too much of the green glass.
by me



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I notice the finish of the black cladding on the podium of this project has been looking a bit cloudy in pictures for quite some time now. I haven't been down to the area myself for a while, but I'm wondering if it looks weathered at all in person. Can anyone speak to that?
It's all the dust and dirt from the construction - dark, shiny things = need for frequent cleaning, but since they're still building it, one would think they wouldn't bother until everything is done.

