I find many of aluminium composite panels on buildings built 20 years ago to still look pretty good

Judging by this forum though, there are many in this town afraid of colour.

So true - Mies would never have been capable of that.
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but the bridge at MLS has vertical bars of neon/led lights all across the span.
I was walking by at lunch and noticed what seemed to be some type of testing... the lights were pulsating with different colours.
Sweet! They've finally installed the lighting. This is the public art portion of the building.
Is it just me, or does the entire project just seem like a big 'meh'. For something billing itself as a 'sports and entertainment' complex, it just seems way too sterile. I understand the project is still under construction, but the bones are unfortunately too corporate and institutional looking. Would it have killed them to add some dynamic flair? I can't help but compare this development with locations that I have lived in recently - entertainment complexes next to stadiums in Phoenix & LA.

Phoenix /Glendale / Jobing.com Arena:

Agreed about the 'dynamic flair', but I think this looks like you gave an 11 year-old the go-ahead to design an outdoor funhouse (which resembles shopping mall food courts of my childhood/nightmares, and the original design for Metropolis/Toronto Life Square/whatever it's called). I can see it in a theme-park, but it would be unconscionable to put it anywhere else.
^Uhm, we have this exploding Crayola box already. It's every large-scale movie theatre in the GTA. My teeth hurt looking at it.

Considering the Air Canada Centre (a "Sports and Entertainment Complex") replaces the relatively beloved and non-Crayola Maple Leaf Gardens, I'm not sure how anyone can say MLS as currently designed isn't exactly appropriate.
Sweet! They've finally installed the lighting. This is the public art portion of the building.

The public art portion of the project hasn't been installed yet. I think the lighting is just an additional design element. I recently attended a presentation by UVA and talked to one of them about the art component. The structure they are installing will run the full length of the York St frontage and will consist of a panel suspended under the canopy made up of thousands of hexagonal glass elements. Picture a honeycomb of glass reflecting daylight through them to create a similar effect as walking through a forest. Each individual glass element contains a light source which will mimic the same effect at night. It looks to be quite an amazing piece of art and they said they should be installing it sometime near the end of May.
I would like to see more colorful venues like the posted above (looks like an outdoor mall in South Florida or So Cal). Color like that can be fun, and Toronto has too many gray and muted color spaces imo.
I love colour too, but it can be presented in a much nicer way than that crap above.
Lights working on the walkway between ACC and MLS. Better when it is dark.
RE: Light on walkway.
:/ They look a bit conservative for a sports plaza, no? I wonder why the geaometric art plan was moved to York St side. I'm sure it will look great on the York Side too--especially viewing it from under the aA Ice organic canopy. But the walkway is just so utilitarian looking that it's really begging to be wrapped in something interesting and not just lit up from inside. Oh well, I still am really digging the way the plaza is shaping up. It's even making the John McEwen sculpture look good. Now just to finish construction and add some playoff games.
