That's a different access. This access is for ACC and it's temporary.

If this is temporary then where will the exit from the ACC garage be relocated to? That hole isn't new, it used to ramp up to Lakeshore instead of Bremner, you can see it on Google Maps.
The ramp itself is temporary however the access for the garage is permanent. A new ramp will most likely be built into the building when the time comes.
current provided a nice update at SSC

Photos taken today, looking southeast from York and Bremner. All four cranes are visible.


They are keeping the ramp.


East side of the ramp. The ramp provides access to ACC.


I tried to get as many cranes into one picture as I could. I could only get three of the four MLS cranes into the picture, two Telus cranes (one barely visible on upper right) and the two RBC cranes in the distance. I need a wide angle lens.

It finally hit me: the most attractive feature down here? The Gardiner Expressway! The thing is a minimalistic structure of beauty! Our Parthenon!

your comment made me backtrack and look at the photo just above, and i realized just how ugly it is in that spot. wow.
I guess that ramp will be part of the parking structure (? ).

Nope. The ramp is only a temporary ramp for the ACC and construction access. The ACC ramp will be rebuilt parallel to Lakeshore and the MLS ramp will pretty much be in the same location, but curve the opposite way. The reason why it is such a solid ramp is because it is not just a construction ramp. It is being used by the public to access the ACC.
The ramp now only leads to the ACC. The section that led into the construction ramp is closed, since excavation of the southern end is pretty much complete. It's quite the drop from the end of the ramp to the bottom of the pit.
talltowers at SSC regarding the access ramps

Actually the ramp wont run parallel to lakeshore but rather run south and then bend to the west. There will be two lanes, one to enter down and the other to exit up. It will be located just a little to the left of the cul de sac and will be a much shorter ramp then the one on site now. Right now the "temporary" ramp is actually located directly on the cul de sac.

See plan for more details.

Parking entrance is circled in red, residential pedestrian entrance is circled in black and hotel pedestrian entrance is circled in green.


Thanks for posting that, Cal. I think what the temporary ramp is currently serving is the "exit ramp from subgrade loading" along the bottom of the image.
I clarified it over on SCC so ill do the same here...

The temporary ramp is an exit ramp for the ACC. It will be relocated to the south end of the site running parallel to Lakeshore. The entrance to the ACC is off Bay St.

The entrance for MLS is shown in the above blueprint off Bremner and curving West.
