April 24, 2008



MLS is above ground?! Whaaaa??? I thought they were still hardly done building those 9 underground floors.

Where have I been? haha
Don't worry this one won't be moving very fast for a while. - You can travel through the vortex of time & space-continuem- And still be back to watch them finish off the podium.
I checked out the construction site yesterday. It is a truly massive project. Seems like acres and acres of concrete and rebar.
I wonder if all these new condos will add a sense of urbanity to the area, or if this will just turn into another Mississauga City Centre.
^ Something in between I think. These condos downtown at least meet the street, but I definitely wouldn't expect any vibrant streetlife to develop either - no provision seems to have been made to supply the kind of built form that lends itself to that sort of thing, unfortunately. Despite all the advances in technology over the decades, wonderful examples of lively streets in our own city that have existed for ages, and the whole "new urbanism" and "smart growth" trends, we seem incapable of the simple task of building proper neighbourhoods anymore the way we did before the rise of the automobile. It's really not that complicated.
I think it will depend on ground-level retail, for the most part, along with any greenspace. Without retail to draw the people to the area, it will still be a dead zone, just with condos now. Overall, though, the whole area is getting enough of a population base to support lots of restaurants, stores, gyms, etc. I think it will end up being a pretty snazzy part of town.
I agree, there needs to be some kind of exceptional retail (or park space) to draw people in from other areas of town.
Despite all the advances in technology over the decades, wonderful examples of lively streets in our own city that have existed for ages, and the whole "new urbanism" and "smart growth" trends, we seem incapable of the simple task of building proper neighbourhoods anymore the way we did before the rise of the automobile. It's really not that complicated.

I think time is pretty darn complicated to manipulate.
