June 26

From Harbourfront with the Royal York in the background.
So sad that these new towers are going to bury such an awesome collection of older buildings.
My god yea...

I think this picture in particular really shows that, it didn't really hit me until I saw this one.

In some ways this is going to be the biggest change to the common (unfortunate) post card view of Toronto since the the CN tower!
Andrew - that is a great picture of these two projects! Finally forming a street wall on York. And ya, Toronto is sort of losing the face that most of the world is familiar with. Wonder if we will have a good postcard image from the lake? I think it will be cool though to see buildings rising above Union Station from Front St. The feel from there should be quite different as well...
Agreed, other then the rare North South view taken from the west (east is fine too) on a nice day.
the word postcard is just semantics for (another way of saying) a photograph that is a signature view of the city... used in marketing etc, whether on paper or digital. The fact is that these new buildings along with 16 and 18 York obliterates the traditional "face" of the city. At street level this is an improvement over empty lots and should go a long way to making a coherent link between the financial core and the waterfront. It will just be strange to not see The Royal York anymore... along with a whole lot of the other buildings north of the railway tracks.
/\ We must, however, remember what happens when one tries to preserve a bygone era. These buildings don't block the skyline, but instead expand it and increase its density.
