More glass on MLS



Reaching 50 floors in Tower One and 54 floors in Tower Two, they'll make a signficant dent on the skyline. Perhaps it will create a wall so the dirty tile BMO building will be unnoticeable.
Last shots of the glass are great! It looks like it won't be all messy with thick mullions (dare I say that)... I hope it keeps up this solid, unbroken look, on the podium.
side note: goodlookin' warned me not to get too excited until the Tower portion of the building is clad. - it could switch from "curtainwall" to "windowall"...

that would be sad...
The glass looks great - even when dust covered.

For a real contrast, look back and forth between Infinity and what little glass there is on MLS.
...and provide clean towels.

...and they still don't. Everything that's up so far is for the hotel. Things will change after the tenth floor, when the condos start
Of course the glass is going to be different for the tower portion. If it's the same, I'll be very surprised.
Just wondering, did MLS ever put up a model suite? If so did anyone take photos of it? I wonder how their proposed rooms look like.
MLS did have a model suite in the sales office (now demolished) ... sorry didn't take any photos though ...

If I remembered correctly ... the model suite was the 'Toronto' unit @ 1016 sq.ft., see floorplan here
if you purchased a unit here, do you have to worry about that listerine outbreak?
