That's absolutely hilarious... great eye!

It IS a Gardiner Distressway support column!

The "support" is indeed a perfect mini-me Gardiner support... if you zoom in, I think you can see rusting rebar.

It is isn't it! I was dumbfounded at first, but then I thought, this must be their way of paying homage to the Gardiner - well in fact to all GTA elevated highways and bridges. I also heard that they have scheduled repairs for next summer to coincide with the big brother - patching job, shouldn't cost more than a few million! Oh and there is a group who want the bridge torn down and replaced with an at-grade crossing..Go figure!

This actually bears a striking resemblance to the pedestrian bridge over Highway 11 at Webers (the burger joint near Orillia). Got forbid they paint this one a similar orange/yellow colour.

I am actually fairly sure that the Webers bridge was orignally installed over the moat that was once at the base of the CN Tower. Evidently ugly pedestrian bridges are one architectural feature that the former railway lands will never escape.

It was indeed the CN Tower bridge; but I'm hesitant about knocking the 70s-retro colour this far ahead in time. (Interesting to track down other remnants of "70s-constructivist" orange/yellow colour schemes; I think the MacLennan ped bridge in Rosedale might still have such colouring, and Lawrence West station also has that aesthetic going...)
^^As do a few of the subway stations along the Spadina line..There was something in the water I think back then- made them dream in shades of browns and orange...

That colour palette does work at Spadina line stations. I can't imagine Dupont or Lawrence West without their respective shades of orange, or Spadina without its brownish tiles.
It was indeed the CN Tower bridge; but I'm hesitant about knocking the 70s-retro colour this far ahead in time. (Interesting to track down other remnants of "70s-constructivist" orange/yellow colour schemes; I think the MacLennan ped bridge in Rosedale might still have such colouring, and Lawrence West station also has that aesthetic going...)

The Webers bridge is from Ontario Place I believe.

WOW, I remember visiting the Air Canada Centre seven years ago thinking that the area was ripe for density.

Too often major sports arenas feel isolated from the city (see any mid-west or southern US city for evidence). Finally the ACC will feel like a part of the city, rather than a segregated block surrounded by parking spaces.
Almost all American stadia are in their own slots, with little to nothing surrounding them besides the massive parking lots- and up until recently the ACC wasn't in so much of a different situation either. At least now it will be more hidden, at least from the west- the eastern and southern sides are for lack of a better term, pathetic!

Almost all American stadia are in their own slots, with little to nothing surrounding them besides the massive parking lots- and up until recently the ACC wasn't in so much of a different situation either. At least now it will be more hidden, at least from the west- the eastern and southern sides are for lack of a better term, pathetic!


Wha?! The east and south sides of the ACC are the good sides!
I think he meant what's outside of the ACC on the south and east sides. East of it is parking, and south is the Gardiner.

okay, okay, its not that bad, but I don't like the new building- the old Postal office is great, so I take back my comment, well, at least partially.


okay, okay, its not that bad, but I don't like the new building- the old Postal office is great, so I take back my comment, well, at least partially.


being the home to my beloved raptors, i would think the acc was beautiful even if it was neon pink. there actually isnt a building in the city that excites me more.
Almost all American stadia are in their own slots, with little to nothing surrounding them besides the massive parking lots- and up until recently the ACC wasn't in so much of a different situation either. At least now it will be more hidden, at least from the west- the eastern and southern sides are for lack of a better term, pathetic!


Wow, I believe this is one of the most stunning arenas in North America. It's the perfect blend of art deco and modern arena design. The two styles of design compliment one another perfectly. To this day I am impressed as to how well this building looks.

It's an absolute shame that the south side is blocked by the Gardiner.
