Wow, I believe this is one of the most stunning arenas in North America. It's the perfect blend of art deco and modern arena design. The two styles of design compliment one another perfectly. To this day I am impressed as to how well this building looks.

It's an absolute shame that the south side is blocked by the Gardiner.

The south side also takes a hell of a beating in the winter from flying salt and sand from the Gardiner.
Off topic: In August I went to see Nine Inch Nails at the ACC, and they had presales people entering at a gate on the south east corner of the venue. It was pouring rain that day, and as big trucks hit a puddle on the Gardiner above, it would pour down on everyone entering that spot or waiting in line.
If you've ever seen the big water bucket that they usually have in waterparks, where it tops over when it gets full, splashing down a torrent of water on everyone. Well it was like that.
If the south side of the ACC's art deco facade (and lineups of people) is getting covered in dirt/water/grime/oil from the Gardiner Expressway, I think they should build a glass canopy of some sorts out the side of the Gardiner to protect it. Maybe?
Quality is low. These were taken with a phone cam:



no need to apologize for the quality... pictures are worth a thousand words as they say and it was a beautiful day (at times) for taking pics. Thats a pretty nice canyon developing along the railway corridor!
If the south side of the ACC's art deco facade (and lineups of people) is getting covered in dirt/water/grime/oil from the Gardiner Expressway, I think they should build a glass canopy of some sorts out the side of the Gardiner to protect it. Maybe?

There are no entrances/gates on the south side. Its just a ramp to shipping and receiving. The south east entrance is close to the Gardiner, but the ACC hangs over the sidewalk along the east.
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It's too bad they didn't make the supports as sleek as seen on the rendering but at least it looks like its going to be fully clad in glass.

Great list of artists but i'm hoping they choose UVA. I can only imagine the crazy lighting installation they would install.
I dread this area (Bay St. south of Front St.). As a pedestrian (and cyclist), I find the traffic nightmarish.

I believe that the street construction you see in the picture is to improve the pedestrian experience, etc on York St.
What's going on at the south east corner of the ICE site?

The City is getting rid of the extra right-hand turn lane and making it a regular 90 degree corner. They are about to do the same thing at several other corners including Front and Yonge (SW corner).
