This is going to be a F***in huge screen....... i wish it was in my house:D
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i dunno if i'd want to live, work or stay in a hotel rooom opposite the screen.. you'd need to wear welding goggles!
I went to the leafs game tonight and as I exited the ACC I noticed that the doors took me into the new expansion. It took me a while to get exactly where I was. Its a lot smaller than it looks from outside.
Yes, I've seen it on the inside just this week as well.

It does seem a lot smaller. Then again, for the most part, it will be the outside that's most important so hopefully they can pull of the square!

The massive TV is a nice start though :)

Honestly I wonder ... will they show the games live on it??

If this were back in the day *cough some of you are probably too young to remember* even know I'm only 23 :)

Back in the day when the leafs actually made the playoffs and were one of the best teams in our conference. I could imagine a lot of people turning up just to watch it from the outside if the weather was nice enough. Same might apply to the Blue Jays ... but that's well before my time :)
There's more to life than The Goddamn Leafs... Jesus, Torontonians seriously need to get galvanized over something else, something more cognitively stimulating... like THE RAPTORS!!!!

Yes, they too, play at the ACC.
Huge RAPS fan but they are horrible at this point in time. They're the worst rebounding team in the league and could probably benefit from TSN's spinning monkey on their defense.

The Rock also play at the ACC. Overall, it is supposed to be a sports screen and it is unlikely that they'll show live games due some broadcasting rights thing. Instead, they'll show ads and highlights.
Since we're off topic and discussing the Raptors, give them a break. They've had the second hardest schedule so far of any team in the league, have a new coach who's only been able to hold like three practices in two weeks and have a seriously weakened bench as a result of the off-season (Rasho and TJ going to Indy, Carlos back to Europe, etc.)

Give them some time people.

Now, back on topic. That screen will be fantastic, but only if it's not going to be used exclusively to play commercials promoting the Leafs.
they hold concerts and stuff there too I think? So whatever event they hold or have coming up, they will probably use it to promote those. Also there are sponsors for games too. So if they are like tv, they would have commercials of those sponsors? Another possibility that would help generate revenues would maybe be collecting fees to promote new albums by showing music videos.
Another possibility that would help generate revenues would maybe be collecting fees to promote new albums by showing music videos.

You can be sure it'll include ads to the tune of Panasonic, Yoplait Yogurt and bears promoting shopping opportunities in Pennsylvania.
The idea of allowing sponsors to use that screen is a scary one. I dont know if any of you have been to a leafs game recently, but the traditional GOAL sign that would wrap around the bowl and show up on the scoreboard is now:


You can barely see the word GOAL because the Rogers logo overpowers it. It was sad to see. A guy behind me from Germany asked his friend what a Rogers Goal was and the friend had to explain what Rogers was and why its name was up there.
Have you seen the advertising during European hockey games? It makes the advertising at CFL games seem minimal. But that 'Rogers Goal' is pretty stupid, man I hate Rogers






thx smuncky for all the great updates tonight!!
Great pics, coming along quickly now.

That black paneling facing North looks amazing in person. Saw it on Sunday after a Craptors game.
