the speed of this development has been terrific.

i'm surprised though they haven't used more maple leaf/ maple leafs imagery or symbolism.

i'm really wondering what the actual square will look like. will there be brick? tiles? benches? more public art?
that black cladding is hot! finally something different. The cladding on the rest of the podium looks BA banal but it does break up the monolith nature of it.
i'm really wondering what the actual square will look like. will there be brick? tiles? benches? more public art?

This has been discussed before but the confusion keeps coming up. There is no 'square'. The 'Square' in the building title is the actual building, not any public area outside of the buildings in the area. In fact, after this project is complete, there is less public space outside of the ACC than there was before. And do not expect anything on that outside screen besides advertising and promotion.
This has been discussed before but the confusion keeps coming up. There is no 'square'. The 'Square' in the building title is the actual building, not any public area outside of the buildings in the area.

ah! so it's like the royal bank plaza that really has no plaza. the buildings are square though. maybe that's what they meant.
I thought they were going to create a public square to be used for public gatherings and sports related events? I remember MLS saying something about it being a place for Leafs fans to celebrate and enjoy.
I thought they were going to create a public square to be used for public gatherings and sports related events? I remember MLS saying something about it being a place for Leafs fans to celebrate and enjoy.

Celebrate what?
so the screen is used for nothing but advertising? that doesn't sound like what mr peddie was implying, and even if he did imply such a thing...WHY NOT SHOW GAMES?

i'm sure they will use the screen for public events at least sometimes. y and d square shwos old movies sometimes. indeed, i thought the idea of the 'square' and screen was to emulate american tailgate parties.

anyway, if there is no physical 'square', what is being donated to the public realm? those black tiles aren't enough.
This has been discussed before but the confusion keeps coming up. There is no 'square'. The 'Square' in the building title is the actual building, not any public area outside of the buildings in the area. In fact, after this project is complete, there is less public space outside of the ACC than there was before. And do not expect anything on that outside screen besides advertising and promotion.

I thought they were going to create a public square to be used for public gatherings and sports related events? I remember MLS saying something about it being a place for Leafs fans to celebrate and enjoy.

so the screen is used for nothing but advertising? that doesn't sound like what mr peddie was implying, and even if he did imply such a thing...WHY NOT SHOW GAMES?

i'm sure they will use the screen for public events at least sometimes. y and d square shwos old movies sometimes. indeed, i thought the idea of the 'square' and screen was to emulate american tailgate parties.

anyway, if there is no physical 'square', what is being donated to the public realm? those black tiles aren't enough.

According to the MLS website, the screen will be used to broadcast such events:

"Surrounding this unique and vibrant building will be an outdoor public plaza large enough to accommodate 5000 people. A giant video board will provide fans outside with the opportunity to watch games being played inside Air Canada Centre."

Source: Maple Leaf Square Update
Actually the building will produce a square of sorts. Everything will be closed in, resulting in a square type of feel in front of the lobby for the ACC.
Telus, the new entrance to Union Station, and the ACC expansion will define the plaza much more than MLS tho. But then MLS will have the bars and restaurants to entertain people on those nights that it's too cold to enjoy the plaza
Do not expect the street to be closed to traffic or for games to be broadcast on a regular basis on that screen. And they are not building any public square. The area for "5000" people will be occupied by buses, cars and taxis during events. Besides, who the heck is going to stand outside to watch a hockey or basketball game (when they can be indoors at home or in a sports bar)? Don't believe all promotional material that is written.
Do not expect the street to be closed to traffic or for games to be broadcast on a regular basis on that screen. And they are not building any public square. The area for "5000" people will be occupied by buses, cars and taxis during events. Besides, who the heck is going to stand outside to watch a hockey or basketball game (when they can be indoors at home or in a sports bar)? Don't believe all promotional material that is written.

Considering the number of people that arrive late... and all the pre-game and post-game events and interviews... the screen could be quite useful.

And that street may not be officially closed down, but it might as well be. It's always chaotic before and after games with the massive crowds, and since the major parking lots there now have buildings being built on them, you won't see many cars driving there.... only a couple of limos perhaps.
I work at the Air Canada Centre. At the beginning of the season, Peddie and some of the other executives brought all of the employees together for a town hall meeting. At that meeting, they went into explicit detail about what was transpiring with MLS square and the ACC expansion. The screen that Berrytron is referring will broadcast games. They want to have a sort of tailgate party in that area and it's still quite large. They know that people will show up, and they wouldn't build that large a screen for just advertising. Perhaps between games yes, but during absolutely no. They want people in that area and the screen and surrounding development will bring them in.
Very Blade Runner.


