I'm okay with the idea of two towers going on the parking around the Port Authority building, but I'd like them to leave it alone.

I second this.

Isn't it already protected? Cause it sure as hell should be! (I thought it was)
It's Toronto Harbour Commission, not Port Authority. (You're forgiven.)

And the parking around it has long been slated for redevelopment--in fact, construction nearly started on something along Bay in 1990 before *that* recession nipped things in the bud...
Actually I'd like to see some unique sports restaurants on those parking lots (perhaps with office towers above) that will add much needed culture to the area, and along with the MLS and ACC it might turn the area into a "sports district". I imagine the area would be popular, no?

The parking lot on the Toronto Harbour Commission site (between it and the ACC) would be a nice place for a small public square where all these sports restaurants could have outdoor patios on.

EDIT: Right now the square wouldn't be very nice, but if the gardiner was torn down and we had the grand lakeshore ave. instead, it has potential to be very attractive.
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Regardless of whether the agency exists or not (or changed names for that matter), or who the tenants currently are, the building itself is called the Toronto Harbour Commission Building.
The building itself is heritage.But that doesnt mean that the land around it cant be developed.

Nobody said the land shouldn't be developed. We're just saying that the Port Authority (or whatever it's called) should be kept right where it is.
EDIT: Right now the square wouldn't be very nice, but if the gardiner was torn down and we had the grand lakeshore ave. instead, it has potential to be very attractive.

This isn't the thread to discuss this but no, it would not make it more attractive.
MLS at night from Queen's Quay
There's those stars in the sky again!
Very impressive shot. Are you using a different lens to get the twinkle effect off the lights?
most lenses will give this effect when you do a long exposure as I was doing here (20 seconds)... though in this case it was also a new wide angle lens for me, a SIGMA 10-20mm! Fun toy!
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