MLS sure is going to be impressive from the waterfront!



ALRIGHT! the new park and improved streetscape looks terrific.
If the Gardiner is coming down at Jarvis wouldn't that make the York ramp the termination point of the highway? Or are they chopping it down all the way back to Spadina now?
More likely Jarvis would be the termination point, but similar to how the Gardiner merges with Lake Shore east of the DVP
So all that traffic is just going to stop dead there? Is this safe? I have both seen and experienced that ramp extension when it's packed - not pretty. Sometimes it's backed up all the way to where it meets the Gardiner.
Maybe they expect to be able to handle it with new traffic light timing. That likely would have been considered within the ea.

This f***ing city is going backwards with the destruction of this highway!
they are going to make deadly traffic!
Good move

This City is finally moving in the right direction by discouraging automobile use in favour of pedestrians and in this particular case putting Torontonians first (and the residents who actually live there) by having a park trump a highway...lets do even more! Jarvis street improvement next!
This f***ing city is going backwards with the destruction of this highway!
they are going to make deadly traffic!

All the great cities of the world have deadly traffic. Have you ever seen traffic in London, Paris, New York, or Tokyo? World class city = deadly traffic. Great cities are more about pedestrians, not cars, and Toronto seems to be moving in that direction. (sorry suburbanites, your glory days are OVER) Maybe a move to Calgary might be a good alternative, Kronkie. If Toronto's trying to reach that world class status, it comes with the territory.
This City is finally moving in the right direction by discouraging automobile use in favour of pedestrians and in this particular case putting Torontonians first (and the residents who actually live there) by having a park trump a highway...lets do even more! Jarvis street improvement next!

As a downtowner, I couldn't agree more! It's time we turned our neighbourhoods into areas where we pedestrians are king. The more people moving into the downtown core, the more pedestrian friendly the city becomes. Things are changing fast, and fortunately, for the better.
Oh please, Toronto is so car-oriented it is but a pipe dream to dream of a car-less future! Toronto is dense downtown? Think again. There are still more parking lots and cars than people everywhere I go. Even Kensington Market would be dead if it weren't for all those parking lots....
