From the renderings, isn't 'building B' just the tower portion that sits on top of the podium?

You may be right, i had to go back a couple of pages to confirm. I just didnt think that that red brick podiium/condo section was 8 stories tall.
Then again if the phase 2 building is 33 stories tall on top of the 8, would that not make it a 41 storey building. Was there not a proposed height of 32 stories for this whole development.
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I assume they will do one big dig and have the foundation in place for the second phase.

This whole development has ABOVE GROUND parking with very little digging so I doubt they will dig any foundations for Phase 2 to rest on. No doubt they prefer to get all the parking revenue they can and not build a shallow foundation which may not be used for ages. It was this lack of underground parking which really annoyed the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Assn but the OMB agreed with the developer that the ground was too toxic. (Though why it is then good to live on top of....)
This whole development has ABOVE GROUND parking with very little digging so I doubt they will dig any foundations for Phase 2 to rest on. No doubt they prefer to get all the parking revenue they can and not build a shallow foundation which may not be used for ages. It was this lack of underground parking which really annoyed the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Assn but the OMB agreed with the developer that the ground was too toxic. (Though why it is then good to live on top of....)

Toxic from what?
Toxic from what?

Old sub-prime mortgage papers..
Dead clams..
Who really cares.
The levels immediatly above it is going to be used for parking cars. I doubt anybody's Hyundai is going to get ill sitting on top of it. And if it does..
Who cares.:rolleyes:
Toxic from what?

The ground in this area is heavily contaminated with VOCs, heavy metals and some hydro-carbon materials in this area - provincial brownfields regulations are very stringent (are also currently be reviewed to make them even more risk adverse - meaning many more above grade parking facilities in the future) and in many cases there are strict regulations on what can happen to the soil, what kind of remediation is necessary, what uses are permitted and what kind of separation distances are required.

The West Donlands redevelopment will be similar with most parking facilities being above grade due to various remediation measures conducted by the city.
Yup, some synaptic Machinery has to engage for that one to compute. Nicely played Adma...

Received some new marketing material in the mail today about this project from Context and the weird thing is that there is no mention of the split into two phases....false advertising....?

Here is the special pricing for three suites:

I got it today too.

Prices are still too high IMO = $500 PSF,
1b 431sf - $199K;
1b 587sf - $299K;
2b + d/2 bath 1041 sf - $499K.

when you consider several of the new projects (like Charlie and FLY) have lowered their pricing to ~$425 PSF.
