I love how Toronto has the look of skyscrapers poking out of a forest.

Great pics!
the Starbucks signs are up, I guess its confirmed..... how exxxxxxccccceeeeeeeeellllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnttttt.......
They have a smaller crane on the roof to finally take down the larger crane it appears. The small crane has been up there a few days, and I've been trying to watch it from my telescope but it appears to be inactive so far. Still, it looks pretty cool with a large and small crane on the roof.

How close is the Quantum south from completion? I'm itching to get up there to see and photograph the project but I want to be sure both buildings and podium are relatively close to completion.
Quantum south is complete as far as I know. Retail is done, owners have moved in to the condos. North has another month or so to be completed totally but people are moving in to some of the units now I believe, or at least a friend was telling me about there move in party about a month ago, although they are only on the 8th floor.
Quantum North exterior appears substantially completed, except Minto is still working on the building's top architectural feature ... see photos below taken on June 29

north view

west view

southwest view - podium

courtyard between Quantum North & South
No one has moved in yet. The "party" a month ago was a meeting called Minto Essentials at the Capital theatre, to talk to people about things they needed to know before moving in. I am on the lowest floor and I get my place August 22. The ONLY person I've heard of getting their place earlier so far, is in one of the lofts in the podium. They started to schedule people for PDIs about 2 weeks ago, and said they'd be about 2 weeks before move in. I haven't been called yet, but should be any day.

ahhh i see, my friend must have been jumping the gun...well she has been known to do that, so Im not surprised...thanks for the updates and pics guys! :)
Thanks for the info KindredSpirit ... I too did see people were already living in the podium portion of the building when I was taking the above photos
hey Solaris, thx for the terrific pics...:)
podium for Quantum North had people living in it when I shot the photos above
I'm one of the loft buyers in north tower, and I can speak that my possession date is August 20th and still haven't received a PDI invite

I just spoke to them and they said that they will notify me end of this week or next week for PDI date.

My unit is on the highest floor of the podium building
