Just read the article above about Mr. Crombie.
Agree or disagree with the man's philosophy then or now, and you cannot help but feel admiration for him. This is someone who stuck by his ideals to build a better city that he obviously loved.
I hope he has a long and happy retirement with his wife. He earned it.
I agree. Though the whole 45 foot thing is out of date, good for him nevertheless.
I called yesterday and booked the elevator for my move in, so I guess my date is still Aug 22. I am moving in September 4 :D.

It's missing the omnipresent condoporn music found on sales websites.

A sexy voice-over would go well, too.

Thanks to Darkstar416 on The Republic page... I must say Quantum North looks very spiffy from this vantage point :)
Can I ask what was your original possession date? Just wondering if all other dates have moved after that date.
I had trouble getting my PDI scheduled for next week. I called last Wednesday and again Monday asking to schedule it and construction hadn't released my unit. They said they were pressuring them and would have an answer last Wednesday, finallly got one Monday at 5pm. I am very excited :). I have hired a friend who is a building inspector to go with me plus I have another friend coming with me as I had arranged to take 2 people due to my mobility issues as I can't get down and check things out. Wasn't planning on the building inspector but the other person I was going to take suggested it.

I had trouble getting my PDI scheduled for next week. I called last Wednesday and again Monday asking to schedule it and construction hadn't released my unit. They said they were pressuring them and would have an answer last Wednesday, finallly got one Monday at 5pm. I am very excited :). I have hired a friend who is a building inspector to go with me plus I have another friend coming with me as I had arranged to take 2 people due to my mobility issues as I can't get down and check things out. Wasn't planning on the building inspector but the other person I was going to take suggested it.


that was a minute of my life i wish i could get back
