From further west on the Waterfront Trail:


East Tower floors starting?


Two shots of its backside, the first from Windermere north of the tracks…


and the second from across the intersection of Ellis Ave and The Queensway:


Why is this podium so hulkingly large? The things that this city allows to pass through will never cease to amaze me.

If I'm not mistaken the podium has already surpassed its original height in the rendering by 2 storeys maybe more ! Because from the looks of it, it's still climbing !
Our first supertall maybe in fact be a runaway podium...

Isn’t the podium exactly as per the 2018 SPA drawings? Amenity floor on the 10th floor? So the slab that is being cast is the 10fl amenity. After this slab we will see the two

look at the elevation drawings that I posted in post #283 two pages back...

forget the renderings, they are preliminary anyways...
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Are there any other podiums this size in Toronto? I think one will beat it, at Concord Canada House, but that's all that occurs to me. Anybody? Bueller?


Some people love to talk about how the Gardiner "cuts off the waterfront" from the rest of the city. Next time someone presents that argument, i'll just point them to this thick cut monstrous podium.

Our waterfront is so inconsistently screwed up, it's like the city just tries to one-up itself from any given previous screwed up development.
I would hate the massive podium a whole lot less if it weren't unscreened above ground parking. At least Canada House wrapped its above ground parking with units so you can't see it, but if this gets built according to plans you'll be able to see through the windows right into the parking garage.
how come this building and the one next to it have above ground parking? is it a water table issue? NXT right next door has below grade parking (though that one sits north of the gardiner and has water leakage issues in their parking garage as it's being rebuilt.
