This architectural crime against the waterfront is sadly well underway :(
Well I mean, we can already describe 3/4th of Toronto's waterfront as an architectural crime so we would only be continuing the trend and status quo as we usually do in this city;)
Podium work.


I'm frightened to see what the variances they want to the podium are, incase they just increase the size of the wall that will face north.

Shame that thousands of people will be driving past this enormous barren depressing beige wall everyday -- looks like the side of a suburban Cineplex.
Window wall with a mix of articulated spandrel and translucent panels would look so much better.
Or maybe turn this into this into a giant billboard which will provide revenue to the condo corporation.
Or a series of jumbotrons so that people stuck in gridlock has something to look at.

This is a missed opportunity of doing something really cool. Like some creative public art or a giant green wall to deal with the pollution from the traffic.

The lengthy description of this building on the architect's website is amusing:

Actually this is interesting (not sure if I agree with this exact mural)...but interesting nevertheless
Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 2.56.55 PM.png
Actually this is interesting (not sure if I agree with this exact mural)...but interesting nevertheless View attachment 264319
Huh. Six storeys high, and what is that, about 120 metres east-west? That will likely be the largest mural in the city. Who knows how closely this approximates it illustratively, but the colours appear that they won't be too shocking for residents on the opposite side of the Gardiner. I know this is going to bounce a helluva lot more traffic noise north though…

Huh. Six storeys high, and what is that, about 120 metres east-west? That will likely be the largest mural in the city. Who knows how closely this approximates it illustratively, but the colours appear that they won't be too shocking for residents on the opposite side of the Gardiner. I know this is going to bounce a helluva lot more traffic noise north though…

Yeah, agreed re: size and noise; but I wouldn't assume that this will be the actual design / colour and / or whether this mural will ever see the light of the day.
