I agree in the sense that it would have been nice to have active retail frontages but at the same time it's nice to have more young people passing through this development. When a neighbourhood is student-friendly it's almost always a great vibe imo.
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Looking south from Bloor

The park
There are more towers coming to this intersection
None that I am aware of.
and Bathurst Street is a densification corridor zoned for midrise.
Not only is it not a "densification corridor zoned for midrise", the last time the City looked at Bathurst comprehensively (OPA246, SASP465, 2014), it basically said, 'No, this is great as is. Please don't touch it at all': https://www.omb.gov.on.ca/e-decisions/pl141074-May-28-2021.pdf
Also, they were all filled before the development and if the neighbourhood was able to support shops on a quiet side street (Markham) before this development, surely there is enough demand.
They were filled at lower rates prior to Mirvish Village getting purchased and the block redeveloped. The rates will be higher now, so it'll be more difficult to fill them with the same 'messy urbanism' you're after. To be clear, that is absolutely a negative side of redevelopment and I'm not just dusting my hands here, but that is what happened and the result is what's there today.
I rarely venture into disagreement with @ProjectEnd as that almost always ends badly for anyone who does......but I might nitpick just a tad.

None that I am aware of.

There is activity, it's not at pre-application meeting stage yet. (exploration stage)

Not only is it not a "densification corridor zoned for midrise", the last time the City looked at Bathurst comprehensively (OPA246, SASP465, 2014), it basically said, 'No, this is great as is. Please don't touch it at all': https://www.omb.gov.on.ca/e-decisions/pl141074-May-28-2021.pdf

The PTMSA for Bathurst likely provides some growth room.

PE probably know this tool, but for those who don't, there's a City portal to look at the different PMTSAs and MTSAs:

The Bloor Corridor Visioning Study (Queen's Park to Bathurst) also mentions intensifying the Bloor/Bathurst corner, albeit in a very non-specific way, otherwise suggesting 5-7 storey on Bloor.

I've been working on stuff around Bloor and Bathurst for close to 10 years, and it's likely that @innsertnamehere was on those same file(s). That said, nothing has (yet) come of any of that stuff, so it's a bit of a stretch to say "more towers are coming". That's nebulous enough that you could apply it to essentially any piece of land in the City...
